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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/5 7:17:35 Edit(编辑)
Shaolin Temple will push 3D anime movies: Hollywood standard,

Shaolin Temple will push 3D anime movies: Hollywood standard,(少林寺将推3D动漫电影:拍出好莱坞水准,)

Shaolin Temple will push 3D anime movies: Hollywood standards-the Shaolin Temple, 3D animation movie, Tsai-IT news Shaolin Temple will push 3D anime movies: Hollywood standards

Shaolin Temple will go up on the silver screen.

Different from the more than 30 years ago, Jet Li's Shaolin Temple, this is the 3D version of the anime movie.

This Taiwan Cartoonist Tsai Chih-chung fenced big anime movie is expected 15-18 month produced.

As derivatives of the Shaolin Kung fu movies, cartoon network games is expected to over the line.

▲ The launch event, Shaolin Abbot Abbot, he said


3D animation film of the Shaolin Temple Kung Fu started production

Yesterday at 10 o'clock in the morning, Shaolin Temple in the meditation room, chanting around the beam. 3D animation movie Kung Fu Shaolin launch kicked off.

This is the first cartoon form of the Shaolin Temple film and Taiwan works of famous cartoonist Tsai Chih-chung, the fifth anime movies, anime movie as carriers, spreading the culture of Zen.

On the background of the Conference Board, the film's three protagonists appear: Bodhidharma, blue dress robes Cape bald little grasshoppers and small gourd of red hair.

Tsai Chih-chung introduced films with Bodhidharma Xilai, passing the basic structure of Zen, tells the young monks from Shaolin Zen master small grasshoppers and small small gourd in Shaolin Wu Xichan's story, little forest people and through legendary roadway, copper, 36 rooms and rich 18 arhats of Shaolin Temple elements, the entire movie from beginning to end "look funny".

It is understood that the ink painting, Chinese style, is the film's overall tone. The film will last for 15-18 months produced about 85 minutes long. At the same time, of the Shaolin Temple Kung Fu online game or tour started, will be synchronized with the film market.


8 years of Zen disciples Tsai Chih-chung

The production process of the Shaolin Kung Fu, screenwriter, Director, Tsai "trying". Other than that, he has an identity-Shaolin Zen disciple.

"Made into anime film Shaolin Temple is the dream of my life. "Tsai said this is his fifth visit to Shaolin Temple, Shaolin anime movie idea, it was 30 years ago.

In 1984, drew a cartoon of Tsai Chih-chung is the six of the ancestral altar, storyline and related to Shaolin Temple. Tokyo Ikebukuro Theatre is showing of Jet Li's Shaolin Temple. "After the movie, I decided, will have a chance to make the animation Shaolin Temple. "Tsai Chih-chung said.

For creating the Zen-packed cartoon works, from 2006 onwards, use of creative publishing comics free cell, producing polished scripts. For the length of the film, originally 34500 words in the creation of scripts to be cut to about 20,000 words, "due to my own research on the thought and Zen Buddha, I guarantee that this film will be full of Buddhist sense. ”

"I dare not say that the Kung-Fu Shaolin Temple would serve 30 years ago, the sensation of the Shaolin Temple starring Jet Li, but I guarantee this movie as a Hollywood standard, release all over the world . "Tsai Chih-chung said.

Shaolin Abbot Abbot, said Tsai Chih-chung for many years training experiences and discovery, Creative Zen Shaolin forms to be shown in anime movies, could be better spread the Shaolin culture to the world, spirit of Shaolin "Chan Wu-" the spirit believed to be able to bring a whole new feel.

Tsai Chih-chung man

Tsai Chih-chung, was born in 1948, Taiwan people of Changhua, a famous cartoonist, has been working with unique style and profound ideas in ancient Chinese texts easily comprehensible to readers.

Starting from 15 years old to become a professional cartoonist in late 1971 to KPS in graphic design and cartoon rendering technique to study independently.

Established in 1976 the Dragon cartoon company, shoot the Professor ' and ' Black Dragon ' feature-length animated film. Won the 1981 Golden Horse Award for best cartoon.

In 1983, started to create a four-frame comic, has said, and Laozi, Zhuangzi said ' and ' drunk ', more than 100 films such as the Bald Detect ive works in more than 30 countries and regions to be published in several languages, has sold more than 30 million copies.


少林寺将推3D动漫电影:拍出好莱坞水准 - 少林寺,3D动漫电影,蔡志忠 - IT资讯



























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