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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:06:37 Edit(编辑)
Meizu: sales into 100% to developers for application fees,

Meizu: sales into 100% to developers for application fees,(魅族:收费应用的销售分成100%全给开发者,)

Meizu: sales into 100% to developers for application fees-Meizu, Meizu Application Center-IT information Meizu: premium sales into 100% application for developers

December news Meizu technology announced that from January 1, 2014, will pay 100% proceeds and subject to the application developer. In order to encourage more developers to do application-optimized for large screen phones, giving the user a better experience.

Some netizens said, if developers were able to announce a charging freezing markdowns would be great, but, just as is consumers with Meizu; not know developers are willing to adopt this proposal?

Meizu official bulletins are as follows:

Meizu opened official operations center as the first Smartphone manufacturer, created a good ecological environment. In order to better motivate developers for the Meizu product provides application, from January 1, 2014, will sales into all application fees, and subject to the developers.

The profit activity aimed to encourage more developers to do application-optimized for large screen phones, giving the user a better experience, revenue directly appropriated to the developers at all.

Meizu Application Center offers a comprehensive, secure, and easy software download service, attracting a large number of developer applications tailor-made for Meizu product feature page, along with the surge in number of users and software are both believed Meizu Application Center will usher in a golden development period, starting from the concept of cultivating genuine consumption, no doubt to the application development centre brings a strong guarantee.

Meizu developer community:

号外: Soft medium Android version of IT news Meizu has now applied Application Center shelves, waiting for the "kerosene" went to support: click here to access

(Do out download)


魅族:收费应用的销售分成100%全给开发者 - 魅族,魅族应用中心 - IT资讯











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