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published in(发表于) 2016/8/5 10:42:59 Edit(编辑)
Facebook Phishing News scandal: a lot of ads degrade the user experience,

Facebook Phishing News scandal: a lot of ads degrade the user experience,(Facebook钓鱼新闻引起公愤:大量广告降低用户体验,)



Facebook Phishing News scandal: a lot of advertisement reduced user experience-Facebook, Zuckerberg-IT information

On August 5, according to foreign media today, United States reports, Facebook user dissatisfaction caused by the fishing news again. A lot of spam and some of our users are fed up with sensational headlines. Facebook Vice President of product management Adam Mosseri says: "our work in the past for fishing news has done a lot to improve, but under the current circumstances, we have obviously not done enough. Every day we receive many complaints from users. ”

Facebook has recently been changing its algorithms, wants to allow more users to see news. Nearly every Facebook will make small adjustments to fix the bug, removing some of the spam every month. These adjustments are 1.7 billion users want Facebook to use the application more. News channel is one of Facebook's core business, if there are more Facebook users reading news, then it will continue to invest in Facebook have more advertising options.

Is the definition of Merriam-Webster for fishing news, a link to attract users to the specified content. But Mosseri said, fishing news and Facebook user experience is one of the main reasons for the decline. Many users have complained about this link appears in the groups of their concern, some error report appears. But the purpose of Facebook is to provide users with more real and useful information.

Two years ago, Facebook users of statistics on phishing news links feedback, once reduced this kind of news links. This time, Facebook took several months to review the tens of thousands of news headlines, to determine whether the information contains some critical information. Then they picked out such headline phrases commonly used in the establishment of an automatic detection system in order to reduce the frequency of fishing news links.

Mosseri says similar United States effects of the news media will not be affected by this adjustment. This adjustment is mainly for those who spam. These adjustments, will significantly reduce the frequency of spam.

In June this year, Facebook has adjusted the priority of the news media, let users preferred see more information from friends and family. Zhihou, news publishers have said that their news reading fell an average of 5%. Facebook is now the news media the most important communications platform, the vast majority of readers are from the news links on Facebook are attracted.

Facebook钓鱼新闻引起公愤:大量广告降低用户体验 - Facebook,扎克伯格 - IT资讯

8月5日消息,据国外媒体今日美国报道,Facebook再次因钓鱼新闻而引起用户的不满。大量的垃圾信息和各种耸人听闻的新闻头条让很多用户感到不胜其烦。Facebook产品管理副总裁Adam Mosseri表示:“我们在过去的工作中针对钓鱼新闻做了很多改进,但根据目前的情况来看,我们所做的显然还不够。我们每天都会收到很多来自用户的投诉。”






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