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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:06:20 Edit(编辑)
Guangzhou mobile: 4G 15G packages flow cap beyond free of charge,

Guangzhou mobile: 4G 15G packages flow cap beyond free of charge,(广州移动:4G套餐流量15G封顶超出不收费,)

Guangzhou mobile: 4G 15G packages flow cap beyond free of charge -4G, mobile-IT information Guangzhou mobile: 4G 15G packages flow cap beyond free of charge

Move announced yesterday after Guangzhou, Shenzhen 4G official business between the two places, Guangdong Mobile official said today that the Internet users worry about capacity used, would generate high enough traffic problems, Guangdong Mobile has introduced more 4G traffic flow of flow-capping operation, optimization and preferential reminded the three major initiatives to ensure user using the 4G network.

First, the 4G package "charging fares". After 4G business, Guangdong Mobile launched a flexible system of tariff package, users can purchase for 4G contracts can also bring their own mobile phone network.

Package monthly fee has more than 128, 888-dollar scale, covering the needs of different user groups, as well as new package than the original package both voice and the traffic is addition without subtraction, for 4G package now is basically traffic nearly doubled, or monthly fee 50 percent.

Second, traffic costs "double cap". Guangdong Mobile to take a 500-Yuan flow and 15G flow double-cap policy, when the CAP is reached, Guangdong Mobile will automatically enforce traffic measures of protection, the excess flow is no longer charging any fees, users can use speed convenient and worry-free 4G, no longer have to worry about "costly traffic charges".

Finally, the flow using multiple reminders. Guangdong Mobile reminder service has been continuously improved multiple flows, by means of package flow early warning alerts, package upgrade reminder, superimposed packages remind in several ways, avoiding high user traffic charges outside the package.

According to reports, the user opens packages, used for the first time traffic, zero use, flow usage of near Peak and Internet package to 500 Yuan (or traffic reached 15G) cap value of more than one node, Guangdong Mobile regular reminders via SMS.

At present, Guangdong Mobile has built the nation's largest network of 4G, and built nearly a 4G base station, Canton, Shenzhen's main urban areas has been basically achieved 4G continuous coverage, the maximum speeds of up to 100Mbps.

4G end and there are plentiful at the end of this year, will have more than 30 4G end market, mobile version of 4G iPhone5S/5C have begun to make an appointment, January 17 will be on sale next year, 4G thousand-dollar smart phones are already offered. Until next year, 4G types will be more than 200.


广州移动:4G套餐流量15G封顶超出不收费 - 4G,中国移动 - IT资讯








4G终端种类还在不断丰富,到今年底,将有超过30款的4G终端上市,其中移动版4G iPhone5S/5C已经开始预约,明年1月17日将正式发售,4G千元智能手机也已经面世。到明年,4G手机种类将超过200款。


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