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published in(发表于) 2016/4/26 8:36:13 Edit(编辑)
Anchorwoman erotic tease by strike: the tragedy immediately wear suspenders to eat bananas,

Anchorwoman erotic tease by strike: the tragedy immediately wear suspenders to eat bananas,(女主播情色挑逗遭严打:穿吊带吃香蕉立即悲剧,)



Anchorwoman erotic tease by strike: wear suspenders tragedy-now anchorwoman with bananas, live-IT information

Wear the strap, cut and eat bananas, cut ... When network announcers broadcast from this Challenge when everyone knows has been live streaming platform content monitoring Commissioner and take action. Specification for power in the State departments network live broadcast, live platform also set up a "live security" team, 24 hour monitoring every move all anchors on the live platform, careful to anchor clothing, body movement, verbal expression, no escape from the Commissioner's "jinjinghuoyan", to prevent any low level screen appears.

Ombudsman of eyes

Yesterday, the local "grown" well-known live platform "Tiger's live", Guangzhou daily reporter met this "live police", this is more than more than 80 content monitoring of the Police Commissioner, although most of them are after the, but knew by heart all kinds of provisions for network management, network anchors and irregularities is at his fingertips.

Reporters saw all the Commissioners were trained in a "good", they can quickly inspect the network anchor picture, found no irregularities in 1 second and immediately respond to treatment, any illicit images escaped their "golden eye".

Mei is one of the Commissioner's staff, as with the other Commissioners, two screens are placed on her seat, on the display once every 3 seconds to live anchor screenshot, along with 60-80 groups monitor window on the display, Mei to 3 seconds, and find whether there is a violation of the monitor window. Mei's eyes were staring at the screen, right hand to manipulate the mouse, left hand control keyboard when she found out one of the Windows one anchorwoman wears more exposed, before reporters react, Tiffany pictures have been extracted, and took the shield.

"Commissioner audit window pictures up to 60000 per hour throughout the day to browse the 400,000 Windows monitor picture. "Tiger seeding order supervision team leader Zhang Erhu said, there are nearly 30 officers in the same period while monitoring, 24 hours of uninterrupted, day and night shifts, careful to anchor clothing, body movement, verbal expression, without escape the Commissioner closely monitored.

Zhang Erhu said currently used in more advanced and effective means of monitoring is a dual screen monitor, this is in response to the Ministry of culture on the live platform specifications and requirements of targeted measures taken. In addition to manual control, and automatic identification system to automatically monitor, which greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of monitoring. Reporters saw as long as anchor of over-revealing, movement with provocative or language, there have been irregularities can be automatically identified and quickly to the Commissioner. "After testing, automatic identification systems can be 99.99% violation of picture monitoring. "Zhang Erhu said.

Anchor appeared wearing suspenders, banana or banana provocative actions during the broadcast, is strictly prohibited

It is learnt that the irregularities on the current live platform focused on scantily clad, conduct major problems, teasing. Tiger's broadcast, monitored Commissioner found that addresses the issue of dressing live up to more than 7,000 cases per week. The more extreme pornography, live broadcasts of violence in violation of the law, more than 1000 cases a week. "These violations are at the computer and under the dual supervision of the Commissioner, within a short time all the shield, effectively curbing the emergence of network irregularities. "Zhang Erhu says network irregularities are common challenges facing major Webcast platform, platform is key in dealing with irregularities of the speed," we demand general irregularities are found and disposed of in 3 seconds, maximum must not exceed 30 seconds. ”

It is reported that currently live streaming platform will be illegal content according to a, b, c grading, class a is a top violations need to be removed immediately, b, and c are generally illegal, also needs to be deleted immediately.

Violation, live platform has a strict set of criteria. "Anchor coat non-exposed underwear, wearing gel Groove or easy to open ditches of the clothing, as long as Lu Gou clothing, we will be immediately deleted. "Zhang Erhu said, besides, Xia loaded is strictly prohibited skirt or shorts hem above hip line; women is strictly prohibited big scale bare back, male is strictly prohibited naked upper body; is strictly prohibited of dress taste uniforms, and taste underwear, and exposed loaded, and perspective loaded, and flesh-colored tight clothing, and underwear outside wear, and half stomacher, and nets socks, and strap socks, and triangle shorts or rendering triangle-like shorts, and low waist Super shorts, and sexual hinted text or pictures of clothing,.

Moreover, wear suspenders in some anchor, eat bananas or banana provocative actions during the broadcast, is strictly prohibited, and is immediately deleted .

Said Zhang Erhu, host/anchor may not disseminate vulgar content, including violence, malicious and abusive, humiliating slandering others, and so on. Visitors in channel within and anchor even wheat Shi issued with insult sex, attack sex, porn obscene sex and malicious invective, and defamation others, language (including not limited to: anchor off clothes's, and to Alex dew a thigh, and hair, and wet, and dry, and hole, and poke, and shot, and plug,) field control should in 1 minutes within immediately interrupted and visitors even wheat or will visitors seal Word or played out channel. If not processed within the prescribed time shall be counted as content violation.

In addition, the Chair or the audience you cannot use multiple words, ambiguous words or by creating a context conveys to the audience with direct or subtle sexually suggestive language information (including but not limited to, the following examples) for example: us mouth-to-mouth communication called "oral sex";

Sister, "you sound way" so young.

Other easy to direct or sexually suggestive tone caused by vague, ambiguous words include: hair, wet, dry, hole, poking, prelude, omen, nurse, laser, removal, blasting, eye, sound, clamping, surprise, inserts, etc.

Presided over cannot directly or obscure table performances, and also cannot guise imitation other voice performances out with temptation sex, and tease sex, and human sex parts, and sex of voice, also cannot guide audience performances; (including but not limited to following example) for example: presided over said: we play a game, I said 1 you said Ah I said 2 you said Oh I said 3 you said AW, also cannot imitation sent spring of cat called, and small dog called

Chair when Dr McPherson's games with the audience, can't use cannot boot even wheat listeners used panties, lingerie, condom, stockings, wardrobe malfunction, dew point, easily lead to playing sexually suggestive objects, nor on the sensitive parts of the body for the game. (Including, but not limited to, the following examples) for example: body fur with us to see which parts of hair

Games involving grazing types include: colors, guess guess underwear underwear color, undressed and physical objects, pulling hair, is strictly prohibited.

Current anchor, lack of access to review and record system

It is learnt that the current lack of review and filing system for host access, led to host industry turmoil occurred.

"Anchor into the platform while a real-name registration, background checks, criminal records, live platform is not known, it also poses security risk webcast, it affects network security. "Live broadcast platform Director Chen said, advising Government departments and enterprises, more regulation, especially for anchor imposed qualification record, a" blacklist "system, in which the offending host, entry mechanism.

It is reported that the Beijing had begun to set up the recording review system, Guangzhou and other cities is also planning regulations.

Statement : the personal view of the author only, and do not represent information positions IT.

女主播情色挑逗遭严打:穿吊带吃香蕉立即悲剧 - 女主播,直播 - IT资讯

























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