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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/29 5:13:35 Edit(编辑)
Just like movies, revealing how the reporter interviewing Snowden,

Just like movies, revealing how the reporter interviewing Snowden,(像拍电影一样,揭秘记者如何采访斯诺登,)

Just like movies, revealing how the reporter interviewing Snowden-Snowden-it news Just like movies, revealing how journalists interviewing Snowden

In 2013, Snowden, a General of the United States "after the" hold "in defense of privacy" obsession with United States massive intelligence spying program airing before the world over and over again. Thus, among the six, Snowden became from a grass-roots shaken United States and, indeed, the world of man. In Hong Kong, is snow's "Almost Famous" first and most important one. Hong Kong's English newspaper South China Morning Post also interviewed Snowden, the newspaper revelations, promotes United States wiretapping scandal is rapidly becoming big international events.

Recently, the editor of the South China Morning Post, Wang Xiangwei Snowden told reporters about the newspaper interview, behind-the-scenes stories.

Journalists fear track-hopping transport

Newspaper: the South China Morning Post how to get in touch with Snowden?

Wang Xiangwei: contact snow day is on June 12, the Dragon Boat Festival, I was impressed.

Prior to this, we have been working hard at it. Snowden received after the interview with the guardian, I told you I wanted to the first time to find him. The guardian published a photo and a video, we judge the snow in an interview at a five-star hotel in Hong Kong. After we sent our reporter to did not find Snowden, in an interview to the guardian journalist. Later, we sent a lot of manpower, through various clues to Snowden, but couldn't find it. On June 12, our reporter Lana Lam suddenly got a call, saying that had the opportunity to interview Snowden.

A: is the middleman calls? Has he put forward any request, please?

Wang Xiangwei: Yes. I would like to send a photographer to go with Lana, but they made clear that cannot have a second person.

A: there are rumors that interview was very dramatic, Snowden of the reporters of various requirements, like cell phones and the like, this is really you?

Wang Xiangwei: don't have a lot of requirements do not allow cell phones is true. A Hong Kong lawyer said when meeting with Snowden to carry a cell phone in the fridge. We are not, because prior to the interview, the intermediaries have made do not take cell phone.

Snowden broker ask Lana to take certain precautions, not being followed. Lana before to Snowden, also acting like a movie. She is afraid of being followed, on the train, the subway, taxi in one place, and then to get another taxi.

Newspaper: Lana interviewing Snowden, is to ask questions, or snow just to give her some information?

Wang Xiangwei: not just information, there are questions.

Newspaper: Snowden says some unexpected things?

Wang Xiangwei: snow to our reporter about the two main things: United States National Security Agency (NSA) listens to the Hong Kong and mainland China.

Snowden was with Lana, "said Chinese University of Hong Kong." While we were in Hong Kong newspapers, but it is not clear why Snowden said the focus of NSA eavesdropping is one of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. After enquiries, we found that Hong Kong Internet Exchange is located in the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. This Centre is the layout of the Hong Kong Internet exchange points.

Snowden gave us broke providing NSA invaded several of China's major telecommunications companies to steal messages, as well as the NSA wiretapping of Tsinghua University server message. We query to find, is one of China's six major Internet backbone switching center of Tsinghua University.

Meeting newspaper top tapping without a cell phone

Newspaper: Snowden was informed that journalists could go to interview the other day, newspapers react?

Wang Xiangwei: newspaper was the only top few people know about it. To tell you the truth, we started is also doubtful. Lana got a phone call this afternoon went, didn't come back at 6 o'clock in the evening. I was actually a little worried, with several other senior editors said would never do anything right. Because nobody knows the actual situation was kind of scary.

We last before 4:30 P.M. is basically set sections of the day. At that meeting did not line up Snowden interviews section, basic don't expect issued on that day.

Later, Lana come back safely, we're assured. After Lana tell us the content of the interview, a few of us who are particularly excited about, doing the research to do in the meeting room. That day the paper's Newsroom, senior executives of major. When we're talking about, or what phones would be bugged, so we went into the room, put the phone on the outside.

A: consult senior newspaper?

Wang Xiangwei: Lana returns, 7 o'clock at night, but I decided that day, layout and section's organization was reorganized.

That night, I made a bold decision, the first manuscript online, published in the newspaper. This is the South China Morning Post newspaper and network for the first time too. In accordance with our usual practice, exclusive articles first published in the newspaper, the newspaper out of the street before you put it on the network.

That night, we had a notice on the Internet, said Snowden's exclusive interview, followed by Internet access. Reaction at that time significantly beyond our expectations.

Notice after Internet, significant increase in website traffic, readers have a message saying "come on, come on, and when Internet access". I hurried the reporters write as soon as possible, then articles apart, put online content into many parts of the interview in order to increase traffic on your network.

American intelligence agencies have contacted us

Newspaper: interviewing Snowden, brought to the South China Morning Post had any effect?

Wang Xiangwei: the day after our progressive online the content of interviews and views soared 11 or 12 o'clock at night, when some readers say that the Web site will not open. Many of my colleagues by surprise, thinking that if my website was hacked. We get to call IT departments, then know that not to be black, because the pageview rises too fast, causing servers to keep up, we hasten to increase the capacity expansion, the network began to stabilize.

Later stories would not have said. The next day, our newspapers sold out at many newsstands in Hong Kong, not buy. According to the statistical figures, our circulation has risen by 15% for three days.

Do you think, why snow would choose the South China Morning Post revealed a message?

Wang Xiangwei: interview with Snowden, and it is hard to find things.

My understanding is that Snowden told the South China Morning Post broke its own considerations. When Snowden do seem to want to stay in Hong Kong, it means he wants through judicial channels in Hong Kong and the United States to court to avoid extradition. Therefore, Snowden to get the support of the people of Hong Kong. He needs to find a local credibility of newspapers in Hong Kong, will tell his story, for support.

However, he does not look for Chinese media, because he does not understand Chinese. Therefore, the South China Morning Post he found was a natural thing.

Newspaper: United States have contacted newspapers? Newspaper under the pressure of the US intelligence agencies do?

Wang Xiangwei: I can clearly say that we were not subjected to any US pressure. Beauty does not have to contact me.

Snowden said he would not disclose the military intelligence

Newspaper: the South China Morning Post and whether Snowden had to sign a confidentiality agreement?

Wang Xiangwei: no sign any confidentiality agreements, first of all, he gives what we've reported, second Snowden's mind is very clear, he told us very clearly, how he gave us the NSA information theft of civilian intelligence, doesn't give us military information. He said, don't ask me about the military aspects of it, even if she did, I wouldn't tell you.

I have said before, after the dust settles, will explain to the outside world in an interview context. Subsequently, however, I didn't say that. Because we are through intermediaries and Snowden contacted. When Snowden and intermediaries have made clear, he did not completely safe before, best not to reveal details about the interview, details such as the interview where, how, so we still honor its commitments.

The Beijing News: Secrets of the newspaper there is no more snow?

Wang Xiangwei: I can clearly say, we have no more information in their hands. Snowden is a very smart man, he's going to focus on. He might want to stay in Hong Kong at that time, trying to win the support of the people of Hong Kong, he said information on NSA wiretapping, interception of the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong. He is expected to put a step by step to, step.

Newspaper: the South China Morning Post and Snowden have now connected?

Wang Xiangwei: we and Snowden intermediaries maintain close contact. We used to hold a great deal of hope that can continue from the snow, but then nothing.

A: How do you evaluate the Snowden?

Wang Xiangwei: we have interviewed him, performance of his other visits were observed, he was a great young man, very clear, know what to say. I personally think that Snowden is an idealist. He told Lana that he joined the NSA is to get the information, he got tired and broke. He is certainly not for the money, he in the United States already high annual salary. He was not supposed to, although he has become the world's most famous people, but he's paying a very heavy price.

After the "counter-attack"

Through 2013, the international press reports, a person's name, without exception, to steal the headlines of the media in various languages – Snowden.

In the international situation in the past for a long time, rarely has a grass-roots people can have so much power, stirring international politics. Explosion of the Snowden, vibrations are not only United States national intelligence system, and United States allies real strategic layout system and. Snowden just turned 30 years old, he is a typical post, is a typical idealistic, even desirable to want to pull together the realism of Putin "revolution". However, it is also the kind of single-minded idealists, encourage young Snowden would dare risk losing their homeland, and even lost their lives on the line and still afford to challenge the world's most powerful nation. "Obsession, there will be echoes." Snowden, was last year's most thrilling "post counter attack."


像拍电影一样,揭秘记者如何采访斯诺登 - 斯诺登 - IT资讯






在这之前,我们也一直在努力。斯诺登在香港接受《卫报》专访之后,我就说要第一时间找到他。《卫报》刊登了一张照片和一段视频,我们判断出斯诺登在香港一家五星级酒店接受采访。我们派了记者去了之后,并没有找到斯诺登,采访到了《卫报》的记者。后来,我们也派了大量的人力,通过各种关系去找斯诺登的线索,但是没有找到。6月12日,我们的记者Lana Lam突然接到一个电话,说有机会采访斯诺登。














































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