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published in(发表于) 2016/6/30 6:50:27 Edit(编辑)
Live network anchorwoman discipline problems: Strip breathing make eye

Live network anchorwoman discipline problems: Strip breathing make eye(网络直播女主播自律成问题:脱衣喘息赚眼球,)



Live network anchorwoman discipline problems: Strip respite to make eye-anchor, host, self-IT information

In the restaurant, if you see a beautiful woman sitting next holds a mobile phone talking and laughing, please don't be surprised, she's just doing live. Eating, makeup, fitness, no matter what APP live over the network in real time for users to see.

Not related to graphics and text

Beginning in 2014, this webcast fires up, sought after by Internet users. This year is the first year of commercialization real start webcast.

The afternoon of June 27, vanke 2015-general meeting of shareholders held in Shenzhen, more of the whole APP live video. Live by a general meeting of shareholders and the media attention, users can join the discussion, ask questions when you watch the live.

Live Web development

Webcast looks very new, in fact, that form the Internet from computers with cameras that have been born. It can be said that video chatting is show a live prototype.

Escalation of the new generation of mobile devices, the popularity of network coverage, were becoming accessible by webcast broadcast, broadcast feast of netizens anywhere, anytime.

The first QQ chat room, users spend money decorating chat scene, dressed up for their chat image decoration, such as virtual goods payment is in the form of live Web 1.0 era.

With the popularization of computers, Internet and televised forms used to play live. As represented by the League of heroes, dota game, forming a multiplayer online competitive gameplay modes. When the big tournaments and pomp of the video cameras were trained on the game, and professionals responsible for the game explains, this is the live Web 2.0 era.

At present, the industries are integrated into the live webcast lovers, live 3.0 era has arrived.

On the ipanda, audience HD cameras can watch in real time the Panda's daily life and live on the APP, some live teaching make-up, some live baking and even teachers live online problem-solving, and so on. Themes live attracted many new fans, peak with live people a day income up million. On November 11 last year, Panda, a female anchor of TV live broadcasting their own city, even 3 days sleep, Panda TV network founder Wang Sicong tips worth 70,000 yuan red packet, overnight, attracted a lot of netizens joined the broadcast team.

Commercialization of webcast

Live on the Internet in the evolution of the mainstream business model is still advertising and virtual props. Live on the map APP tips, the most expensive presents can be a virtual diamond purchase and recharge the interface, the minimum charge is 60 Yuan to buy 60 diamonds. Reporters saw the anchors have been received during the live fans send virtual "luxury liner", takes over more than 1300 Yuan.

In recent years, star hot also makes many of the reality show stars became interested in broadcasting. Actress fan bingbing and "ELLE" magazine, live at fashion week; singer JJ Lin live cooking; Jay live online game; more and more stars to join the broadcast. On May 4, Wang Baoqiang transboundary fish TV platforms broadcast filming the scene, reported that 5 million people watched live on record.

On May 25, Lei finished live first product launch in the history of domestic enterprises. Lei said in a live broadcast: "cell phone live this great era. This way, with a new interactive way, want entrepreneurs to play a game. "Lei can be seen live commercial enterprises pay attention to.

June 21, at 9 o'clock in the morning, activities held in Boao, a car brand, many female anchors to arrive at the scene on the APP to do live. "Many beauties, are doing live ... ... Many many Super-APP people. "A female anchors read brand advertisements explaining to the audience.

"The facilitator is Li Ai, which is the largest network anchor in the history of time. "Anchorwoman" fighter girl "said. Reporters hear activity in the Studio host said: "this event has 5 million people watched online. "During the broadcast, viewers have been watching the discussion on the car brand, audience that:" the car is very smart, anchors are trends. ”

Market fragmentation severely

As Webcast produced many screen red, well-known fans of live platform with the red-headed network effects capital concerns. According to incomplete statistics, famous investment in broadcast platform 2013 approximately 170 million yuan in 2014, about 790 million Yuan, while the 2015 rose to 2.37 billion yuan, an average annual growth rate at around 300%.

AI Media Advisory published data show that China Webcast platform users to 200 million, large live platform online close to 4 million daily during peak periods at the same time, simultaneously broadcast live more than 3,000 rooms. From a long-term perspective, network live mode or will evolve into a video conversation, room for further expansion of the market.

According to founder securities expected 2016 broadcast market will reach 15 billion yuan, 2020 broadcast market scale will reach 60 billion yuan.

But industry insiders believe, high heat, more need to be alert. According to the data of the Ministry of culture, announced in April, domestic network live about 200 enterprises, this number is still growing. In other words, there are more than more than 200 platforms vying for 200 million users, competition is not fierce. Assuming 2016 market could reach 15 billion yuan, on average less than 100 million yuan each platform share, market fragmentation is very serious.

The other hand, because of the high operating cost of live, bandwidth and other basic technical inputs is very large, hired well-known anchors also have very large costs, many platforms at a loss. Live streaming platform approach appears to be diverse, but mainly relies on value-added services, business model is single, live platform of profitability is still not satisfactory.

High costs, has decided to live "throwing money" nature. Under the capital helped early live platform will be active on-line, but in "burn" swim platform for hundreds of millions of dollars off the sea is not so easy .

As to how to clean

2015 "reticulocyte economy" hot, "nets red" famous one of the channels. In order to quickly become famous, stand to earn two pure silver, some strange, catching the eye of network broadcast platform, desperate to increase traffic. Related to violence, yellow, novelty and a series of live content occurs frequently, is condemned.

Press random live video, some anchors just live their eating, sleeping, "most of the time was selling MoE, telling stories, money, eat or sing what. "A spare anchor to reporters, when I'm traveling or shopping via live platform," anyway, idle is idle. "

On one occasion, several young men live "bucket empty the pond water", the audience followed a couple hours .

Reporters learned that Norway had a similar "slow TV" programs, spent 14 hours making a bird activity in the room and this program has 3 million people, Norway a total population of 5 million.

In addition to the "boring" live, a vulgar content in broadcast platform abound .

In early June this year, 40 9 Webcast platform anchors were banned, will become more and more popular live yellow-related issues to the public. In related news, many anchors "even if fully clothed, also will get some breathing space to attract fans throw money." "Once two fans with each single 1314 rhythm took turns throwing red envelopes to the same woman, just to attract attention, anchorwoman overnight got more than 10,000 yuan, the final broadcast ended in off his coat. ”

In addition to the content beyond the vulgar, live platform data fraud have become industry of "you know" Secrets: fans can brush, viewers may also be mixed with water, continuous send gifts may be cheap to buy. Scalping Webcast platform, data, mixed with water, it is routine.

However, regulation Webcast industry there is a legal vacuum. Although the existing laws and regulations on Internet Webcast can be adjusted, but still walking, this industry is still a grey area. And for real-time supervision of live programming is a huge project, broadcast industry discipline is a problem to be solved.

网络直播女主播自律成问题:脱衣喘息赚眼球 - 女主播,主播,自律 - IT资讯


































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