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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/28 6:04:38 Edit(编辑)
Don’t know anything about the Internet industry buzzwords you OUT,

Don’t know anything about the Internet industry buzzwords you OUT,(还不了解这些互联网行业热词你就OUT了,)

Do not understand these Internet industry buzzwords you OUT-Internet-it news Don't know anything about the Internet industry buzzwords you OUT

By year-end, counting also started in all kinds of industry. For the Internet industry, changes between years is astonishing, birth of a number of new products come out, along with that, which is a new term was born. These nouns denote a profound effect throughout the Internet industry professionals and thought. Thinking of the Internet, Internet banking, O2O, if you don't know these words, it would have been OUT.

Here is to bring you a year-end inventory: 2013-ten Internet industry buzz words. Noun explanation of editing, since Baidu baike, welcome to express different views.

1, the Internet thinking

Name explanation: take full advantage of the Internet's spirit, values, techniques, methods, rules, opportunities for guidance, work, innovation, ideas.


Internet thinking is the ability to save the world of all things badass thinking it, on what things can quickly become big. By Internet thinking East wind, spread your wings, open pancake stalls, flower shop, selling fruit, selling beef stew with rice ...

Typical product: master Huang Taiji, carving brisket


Name explanation:

O2O Online To Offline or offline business opportunities in conjunction with the Internet, let the Internet become offline transactions at the front desk. This online service can wire up showmanship, consumers can filter service with thread, and transactions can be settled online, soon reach scale. 2013 O2P pattern occurs, O2O modes localized upgrade here.


The arrival of mobile Internet, as if the total activation of both o, online, offline. Mobile payments become more and more popular, more traditional industries will be able to be activated. As an intermediate format for coupon sites, will face unprecedented challenges.

Typical product: fast with taxi drivers, Google map

3, wearable devices

Name explanation:

Wearable devices that directly on the body, or integrated into a user's clothes or accessories for a portable device. Wearable device is not just a hardware device, is realized through the interaction of software support and data interaction, cloud powerful features, wearable devices will have on our lives, feel great changes.


Google goggles come out directly lifted the curtain of wearable devices, a variety of wearable devices for many startups ' innovation projects. Watches, glasses, pajamas and socks have become the carriers of the wearable device, but on the market today, there is not a wearable device can walk into the tens of thousands of families, is due to insufficient product maturity, and second, because the value of the product does not meet the consumer demand.

Typical product: Google goggles

4, smart watches

Name explanation:

Built-in intelligent smart watch is the watch system, equipped with intelligent multi-function system connected to the network and phones, can synchronize your mobile phone, text messaging, e-mail, photos, music, and more. March 2013, media reports, technology giants such as Apple, Samsung, Google will be launching smart watch later in 2013. United States market analyst at research firm Current Analysis aiwei·gelinjiate (Avi Greengart) thought that the first year of 2013 may be a smart watch.


Although smart watch is wearable devices category, but the East Wing is the smart watch is listed separately. As compared to other wearable devices, smart watch more attention. East building smart watches are still niche type products, play it on the line. Can't replace watch and can't replace the phone. Smart phone as a portable smart devices have been able to meet the call, send text messages, send e-mails, taking pictures, listening to music, or even recorded tracks, such as demand, smart watches cannot do better, can only be a short-lived toy geeks.

Typical product: Samsung Galaxy Gear Altius, Apple iWatch

5, Internet, finance

Name explanation:

Internet banking is the traditional financial sector combined with the spirit of the Internet in emerging areas. Internet financial and traditional financial of difference not only is financial business by used of media different, more important of is financial participants deep non Internet "open, and equal, and collaboration, and share" of essence, through Internet, and mobile Internet, tool, makes traditional financial business has transparency more strong, and participation degrees more high, and collaboration sexual better, and middle cost more low, and operation Shang more convenient, series features.


For some time, the colleague group friend talked about the balance of treasure, treasure and everyone enjoying the balances of gains. As a senior Dick, credit cards owed tens of thousands of dollars each month, which still have remaining banking, only just green with envy. Treasure but balances this product does provide a flexible way of managing money, to banks which finance product, and profits is not small, are difficult. Internet financial products like balance treasure, will first be sought after by Internet professionals, once walked into the other practitioners of non-Internet family will have more scope and imagination.

Typical product: balance treasure

6, since the media

Name explanation:

Since media is an ordinary citizen or organization at any time, any place, to access the network in any way, associated with global knowledge systems through modern digital technology, provide and share their real views, its a way to information and instant communication. At present, represented by the microblogging medium, has become the most active subjects and emerging field of public opinion.


The word from media suddenly broke out. Written n a long time blogger, by media East wind became the seat of the major IT companies, a guest tea tour kept losing and feel. East believes that media people are what client during the spring and Autumn period in the history of the shadow, were nobles (BAT) provide, for the noble voice to shape public opinion, advice. Moreover, the observed, East, none has so much of the Internet industry since people in the media, which are related to the competitive landscape of the Internet industry, now BAT three hegemony, there are activities such as 360, Sina, Sohu and other vassal, indented. Competition has come to a head, and the PR battle argument constantly, naturally requires custom media people to sound.

Typical product: Shui lai (Oh, I know, write here a little shameless, fencing author who let me be counted)

7, Internet TV

Name explanation:

Is a broadband cable network, set the Internet, multi-media, communications and other technologies in one, for home Internet TV users, including various interactive services, digital television technology. Home users can enjoy IPTV services in two ways: 1, computer 2, networked set-top box ordinary television sets.


Internet TV, as the name suggests is the Internet company TV, television had a common characteristic is networking and operating systems. East view, competition from Internet TV future is not on the hardware, but rather on the content. The main positions of television as a mass entertainment, the most important thing is to see the quality of the content. Future Internet TV makers will integrate the Internet video content, will provide users with more colorful choice of programmes.

Representative products: millet TV, TV plus TV

8, large data

Name explanation:

Large (big data), or huge amounts of information, referring to the huge amount of information to be covered by current mainstream software tools, reached in a reasonable time capturing, managing, processing, and finishing for helping enterprise decision making more positive news.


Data indeed is changing our lives. East building to bring, such as being able to push the precise advertising, users can record the major Web browsing behavior, through large data basis, recommend people interested in accurate information and goods. But sometimes easy jokes. For example, I go to Taobao bought a pair of camel brand shoes, then returned to weibo, SINA weibo calculated using large data, thinking that I'm interested in camel brand shoes, and gave me push it through, I've actually been completed purchases.

Representative products: the use of data, the precision of the major portals to advertising display

9, connectivity

Name explanation:

Telematics refers to mount on the vehicle's electronic tags via radio frequency identification technology to achieve the information network platform for all vehicles on property information for extraction and static and dynamic information and effective use of, and depending on the operational status of functional requirements for all vehicles for effective regulation and the provision of integrated services.


Telematics can make a difference? Can you bring smarter transportation? Can you change Royal Park jams traffic situation? This is of interest to Royal Park fog for many years, East. Perhaps, let each automotive networking, car ownership in wisdom.

Representative products: none


Name explanation:

Peer network (PeertoPeer, P2P for short) also referred to as peer connections, is a new mode of communication, each participant has the same capabilities, you can initiate a communication session.


Non-coins are one of the most popular P2P products. As an Internet person, deeply ashamed, East, in 13 years for coins, a high frequency word he could feel nothing. But obviously, East knew, many speculators bitcoin investment deformity. Are holding high-yield mindset to buy and sell, didn't even consider coins and what will be the value? What can drive the value of bitcoin maintained such a high price?

Typical product: coins


还不了解这些互联网行业热词你就OUT了 - 互联网 - IT资讯










O2O即Online To Offline,也即将线下商务的机会与互联网结合在了一起,让互联网成为线下交易的前台。这样线下服务就可以用线上来揽客,消费者可以用线上来筛选服务,还有成交可以在线结算,很快达到规模。2013年O2P模式出现,成为O2O模式的本地化升级版。












智能手表是将手表内置智能化系统、搭载智能手机系统而连接于网络而实现多功能,能同步手机中的电话、短信、邮件、照片、音乐等。2013年3月媒体报道,苹果、三星、谷歌等科技巨头都将在2013年晚些时候发布智能手表。美国市场研究公司Current Analysis分析师艾维·格林加特(Avi Greengart)认为2013年可能会成为智能手表元年。



代表产品:三星Galaxy Gear Altius,苹果iWatch





















大数据(big data),或称巨量资料,指的是所涉及的资料量规模巨大到无法透过目前主流软件工具,在合理时间内达到撷取、管理、处理、并整理成为帮助企业经营决策更积极目的的资讯。

















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