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published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:33:33 Edit(编辑)
Liu Shi Shi and storms could fall 200 million Yuan Huang, fan bingbing, Freemasonry,

Liu Shi Shi and storms could fall 200 million Yuan Huang, fan bingbing, Freemasonry,(刘诗诗与暴风2亿元交易可能要黄,范冰冰同病相怜,)



Liu Shi Shi and storms could fall 200 million Yuan Huang, fan bingbing-Liu Shi shi of Freemasonry, fan bingbing, storm technology-IT information

The evening of June 7 announcement of the SFC, air base, day boat culture application conditionally approved companies issuing shares to buy assets, applications for technology shares to buy assets of the storm had not been adopted.

This means storm deal to buy straw Xiong Ying industry suffered rejection of science and technology, Liu Shi Shi and 216 million transactions of the storm may be yellow.

Liu Shi PS 216 million profit drain

Statistics show that in March 2016, storm technology's announcement, announced plans to buy 100% of Kemp technologies shares transaction amounting to 1.05 billion yuan purchased straw Xiong Ying 60% stake, trades amounted to 1.08 billion yuan;

Storm technology is also proposed to issue shares and cash payment methods to buy stake of the State Science and technology 100%, trading amounted to 975 million Yuan, and 3 billion yuan to raise matching funds.

Among them, the storm separately acquired Liu Xiaofeng, Liu Shi poems, straw held by Zhao Liying Xiong Ying industry, and 47.4%, and 0.6% per cent, payable in cash straw Xiong Ying industry trading price of 30%, a total of 324 million Yuan;

Paid in shares of straw 70% Xiong Ying Yip trading prices, including 756 million total shares issued: 13,631,445 shares;

If the deal is successful, Liu Shi shi was 64.8 million yuan in cash, as well as storm tech stocks worth 151 million Yuan, a total value of up to 216 million yuan of income. This also known as Nicky Wu for Liu Shi shi the largest chunk of the bride "gifts."

However, technology applications for this issue shares to buy assets of the storm caused public opinion bounce once they are announced, questions continued.

The reason is that straw was Nicky Wu Xiong Ying industry company established in June 2014, since its inception, invested only a legend of the swordsman and the impossible part 2 of 100 episode.

Straw visited Xiong Ying and media registration office park, but found no such film and television companies. Storm technology has given the company valued at 1.08 billion yuan, valued because of the storm, which concluded with Nicky Wu, Zhao Liying, a three-year long-term cooperation.

Storm technology to bet against straw Xiong Ying signed the agreement, requiring the latter to 2016 buckles non profit not less than 100 million Yuan, 2016 and 2017 buckles non-cumulative net profit of not less than 240 million 2016 buckle ~2018 year non-cumulative net profit not less than 436 million Yuan.

Tang television and fan bingbing transactions may also be yellow

Rejection of storm technology shares to buy assets at the same time, Tang television and fan bingbing transactions may also be yellow.

Tang, film and television announced March 28, 2016, announced the planned acquisition of 51% shares of beauty God in cash. Tang video, "said preliminarily determines that the acquisitions to achieve standards of major assets restructuring".

Tang film 2015 financial data, its about 1.479 billion yuan in total assets, operating income that year of about 537 million Yuan, about 868 million yuan of net assets. There is media speculation that, calculated according to the above criteria, the beauty gods valuation price is not less than 740 million Yuan.

High valuations is not surprising, it is strange, the beauty God is home to more than half of the company, which was founded in July 2015, approved dated January 29, 2016, only 3 million yuan of registered capital, mainly engaged in radio, film and television production.

Tang television value the beauty of God's reason is very simple, is to further bundled fan bingbing. Beauty God's shareholders Zhang Chuanmei respectively and fan bingbing, Zhang Chuanmei is the mother fan bingbing, fan bingbing and served as the legal representative, Executive Director and General Manager positions.

Tang television prepared to 700 million takeover of Wuxi beauty God movie companies were owned by fan bingbing is an empty shell company, where the Office was revealed, in addition to a room outside the Office, the rest room desk was empty, and no lighting.

Since Tang television announced the deal after the "bubble make investors pay" sound is heard. Tang video, storm technologies in the areas of film and television was fuelled film bubble, directly undermined the fairness and justice of a-share market.

Movie stars are too easy to make money in today's China, coupled with the grandiose spending triggered public denunciation. October 2015, Chinese scientists Nobel scientist tu no attention, a married Huang Xiaoming spent 200 million also sparked public controversy.

Now Tang television remains in a suspended state, Tang television said, the company hired the independent financial consultants, law firms, accounting firms, valuation firms and other intermediary agencies are doing due diligence, audit, evaluation, the company will continue to be suspended.

At present, Internet voice calls on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange suspended Tang film such transactions, safeguard the interests of individual investors. Some suggestions, China's top-tier artists prices soar, studios spend money on big lady who, rather than spending it on IP on the film and net production more efficient.

刘诗诗与暴风2亿元交易可能要黄,范冰冰同病相怜 - 刘诗诗,范冰冰,暴风科技 - IT资讯
























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