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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/24 6:43:23 Edit(编辑)
Internet vs, the Internet of things: the difference do you really understand it? ,

Internet vs, the Internet of things: the difference do you really understand it? ,(互联网,vs,物联网:区别你真的懂了吗?,)

Internet vs Internet: do you really understand the difference?
-Internet, Internet-IT information Internet vs Internet: do you really understand the difference?

Invisible button

Things may be relatively unfamiliar to most people, but the fact is that we do not have smart phones has brought us to the Internet. Whenever we take a Smartphone while driving, it will be our position and speed are sent to Google. Google, meanwhile, is sent to the user real-time road traffic information summary of the information generated, for all those who drive to query.

Traditional Internet users browsing the Web site is to click on the button or link to jump from one page to another page, conscious interaction with site leave a message. But things could have been completed in case the user doesn't know the information gathering. In things like the world is full of invisible buttons, when a user enters a specific scene will trigger the appropriate button. As small as a credit card swipe, as large as an entire room, they can sense your actions to make an appropriate response. For example, Philips smart light Hue, could perceived automatically closed after owner left the room.

Of course, the invisible button does not just switch so simple. Company every time we touch things before you touch button time button as well as a number of other related variables, link analysis, our life will be described.

Apple's Internet of things

Apple seems to have been eyeing things, but for the present understanding of the technical details are kept. They recently launched a new technology called iBeacon. IPhone and Android mobile phone users can pinpoint their current location, can achieve centimeter-level accuracy. It's like indoor GPS, but with higher accuracy. Enabling developers in designing the invisible button and has a lot of room to play. Apple by this technology will occupy more user entry, while users can take their own equipment to play a more powerful features.

IBeacon signal not only can receive on the iPhone, Android and Windows Phone can also receive on. Companies like Estimote already open their hardware so the adapter iBeacon signal. IBeacon Apple will be open to third-party hardware development companies like Estimote are obviously trying to popularize this technology as soon as possible, occupy dominant position as soon as possible. That means you just point the phone or devices like smart watch, you can press a hidden button. In the future, these technologies will most likely be built into the card, or embedded into our clothes, and other wearable devices, such as fitness sensors, wristbands, and even tattoos.

From interface to computation

All of our things to use in future can be carried out through the Internet to our perceptions and predictions. Morning in your room via your smart bracelet perceive you wake up, then automatically raise the room temperature, turn off security system also caring to make you a cup of coffee. This is precomputed (anticipatory computing). Invisible buttons and any other relevant information that would make these smart devices can not only meet your needs, you can anticipate your needs. Google is Now showing is a good example of the potential of this technology. When you start to use it, your email, contacts, calendar, social media, browsing history, analysis of location information is used by Google, which push you to your news, or information is what you are watching on television. Some companies by tracking the user's daily paths to get where they most likely at a different time, advertisements can be achieved with advertisers precise push in a particular time and place.

Ubiquitous connections

Sensing Founder Yang Jianyong said things, things the next direction is different life situations the user information collected from your position to the members of your network, to be consolidated. This is also a large data base. Just knowing where you are and no big deal, but through the integration of information flow can know what people and you show up at the same place, calculate your chances of suffering from the flu. Identify associations between data is the key to making data matter.

Mike Bell, head of Intel's new equipment development, the Panel believes that in the future both wearable devices and next-generation Tablet PCs, will have a real user interface, but may not be visible. In other words, the Internet of things Internet of differences is not to provide us with another way to tell the computer exactly what we want, but by perceiving the Act responds automatically, and synced to the cloud itself. To some degree, and future interactions with computer is telling it what not to do until they are able to adapt to our life.

Take care of all your

If what is said above sounds like mind-reading, it is because, in a way, it really is. Munjal Shah of Charles River Ventures surveyed 1000 people ask what are they most desired abilities, resulting in the largest number of votes, the answer is well versed in all the languages in the world, but the answer to the second is to make others feel comfortable. Shah launched this investigation was designed to give their capacity aggregates contain certain opportunities. And service to others makes people feel comfortable is what things are good. First of all, our equipment can detect the State, for example, I didn't move, might be sick or having a bad day. Maybe my recent social media updates on what bad things have happened to me. Then the device will send a message to my friend, suggesting that they contact, avoid were alone.

Once we have everything to perceive and respond to, the world will become like a living organism. When our own devices when creating their own avatars, digital world and the real world is converging. The end result is, the real world can be calculated. When we change our own digital States, real-world change. If your goal is to make your mind and body with Internet integration, then this is a good news for you. But if you want to distance yourself from all this, you only need to turn off your cell phone, it's as simple as the original.


互联网 vs 物联网:区别你真的懂了吗? - 物联网,互联网 - IT资讯
互联网 vs 物联网:区别你真的懂了吗?







iBeacon的信号不仅能在iPhone上接收到,在Android和Windows Phone上也同样能够接收。像Estimote这些公司已经在开放自己的硬件使得其能适配iBeacon的信号。苹果将iBeacon开放给像Estimote这样的第三方硬件开发公司显然是想尽快普及这种技术,尽快占领统治地位。这意味着你只要点一下手机,或者像智能手表这样的设备,就能按下一个隐形按钮。在未来,这种技术还极有可能会被内置到信用卡中,或者嵌入到我们衣服,以及其它可穿戴设备,比如健身传感器、腕带甚至是纹身。


我们所有使用的东西在未来都能通过物联网对我们的行为进行感知及预测。比如早晨,你的房间能够通过你的智能手环感知到你醒了,于是自动提升房间的温度,关闭安全系统,还会贴心的为你煮上一杯咖啡。这靠的就是预计算(anticipatory computing)。隐形的按钮以及其它相关的信息可以使得这些智能设备不仅可以满足的你需求,还能预测你的需求。Google Now就是展现这个技术潜力的一个很好的例子。当你开始使用它时,你的邮件,联系人,日历,社交媒体,浏览记录,位置信息都会被Google加以利用分析,进而向你推送你身边发生的新闻,或者是你正在看的电视节目的信息。还有一些公司通过追踪用户的日常生活轨迹从而得到他们在不同时间最容易出现在什么地方,跟广告商合作可以实现广告在特定的时间和地点的精准推送。



英特尔的新设备研发小组的组长Mike Bell认为,在未来无论是可穿戴设备还是下一代平板电脑,都会有一个真实的用户界面,但是并不一定的可见的。换句话说,物联网跟互联网的区别并不是给我们提供另一种方式来告诉电脑我们想要什么,而是通过感知我们的行为,自动做出响应,并将自己的动作同步到云端。从某种程度上来说,未来跟电脑的交互是告诉它不要做什么,直到它们能够适应我们的生活轨迹。


如果上面所说的那些听起来像是读心术,那是因为从某种程度上来说它确实就是。Charles River Ventures的Munjal Shah调查了一千个人问他们最希望获得的超能力是什么,结果得票最多的答案是精通世界上所有的语言,但是第二多的答案竟然是让他人感到舒服。Shah建立这个调查的初衷是为了了解从赋予他们能力的角度是否蕴含着某些商机。而为他人服务让人感到舒服正是物联网所擅长的。首先,我们的设备需要能探测出我们的状态,比如我不怎么动了,可能就是生病了或者心情不好。也许我最近在社交媒体上更新了有什么倒霉事发生在我身上。接着设备就会发送信息给我的朋友,提示他们跟我接触,避免我们感到孤单。



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