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published in(发表于) 2016/6/23 8:47:12 Edit(编辑)
See the VR video, you’ll find Tzu kill this job is not easy,

See the VR video, you’ll find Tzu kill this job is not easy,(看了这段VR视频,你会发现贞子杀人这份工作不轻松,)



See the VR video, you may find this job easy Tzu murder-Tzu, VR-IT information

IT information news on June 23, great publicity stunt Japan thriller Tzu vs gamma of the coconut has been in Japan released, and usher in the auspicious start. This two bit household of Japan female ghost showdown will is how of scenes, believes attract with many terrorist movie of lovers, and this Department movie of tablets party in publicity of when also caught has audience of note points, hard publicity, like previously let Fiona child and gamma coconut with to participate in baseball of kickoff ceremony, more has let people to vote two selected a what who is most terrorist of "total selected fear", let they on like Idol as to attract popularity vote.

And now, one Japan fans produced a new called "Tzu VR" products, through virtual reality allows people to experience in the form of one of the two female ghosts Tzu kill process, due to the screen using the 3D modeling process, so that the entire process is not frightening to look at, but a bit comic. First, you need draws hair, in well in view who in watch was curse of video, then along wall to Shang climbed, fast out imports of when will found wall Shang was has TV, also has phone, you need first call to watch who, then again drilling TV, such on will was directly transfer to watch who of that Taiwan TV screen, then, you on can manufacturing terrorist atmosphere, full of put watch videos with of people to KO has......

In short, watch the videos you will find, Tzu this job has not been easy to kill, not to mention the whole is climbing.

Video:(IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

看了这段VR视频,你会发现贞子杀人这份工作不轻松 - 贞子,VR - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月23日消息,极具宣传噱头的日本恐怖片《贞子vs伽椰子》日前已经在日本上映,并且迎来开门红。这两位家喻户晓的日本女鬼对决会是怎样的场面,相信吸引着很多恐怖电影的爱好者,而这部电影的片方在宣传的时候也抓住了观众的注意点,卖力宣传,比如此前让贞子和伽椰子一起去参加棒球的开球仪式,更有让民众来投票二选一到底谁才是最恐怖的“总选恐”,让她们就像偶像一样来吸引人气投票。




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