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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/21 23:23:38 Edit(编辑)
Soaring price, Amazon’s stock price broke the $ 400 mark,

Soaring price, Amazon’s stock price broke the $ 400 mark,(一路飙升,亚马逊股价首破400美元大关,)

The soaring Amazon-IT Amazon shares first broke the $ 400 mark-news Soaring price, Amazon's stock price broke the $ 400 mark

This summer, Amazon's stock price surpassed the $ 300 mark. After just 5 months, the unit hit a new high on Friday, surpassed the $ 400 mark. At this point, Amazon shares rise over the year to reach 60%.

Although Amazon fails to make a profit, and continues to invest heavily in construction order fulfillment center and the data center, but the stock was soaring past the alarming rise of 5 per cent at the close to 700%.

However, the company's profitability is also being called into question. Financial Web site edit jiefu·leifusi (JeffReeves) said: "Although Amazon philosophy's commitment to open up future prospects at the expense of short-term profitability and admirable, but investors should remain vigilant and avoid have unrealistic fantasies. After all, Amazon will inevitably experienced setbacks, may even be difficult to achieve high expectations – when after investors to distinguish the difference between hype and reality, many innovators will be confronted with a blow. ”

But while Amazon's margins, and even losses, but investors seem to be very optimistic about the long-term prospects of the company. Rising stock prices is the best example. Amazon currently has a market value of $ 184 billion, is comparable, apples for $ 495 billion, Microsoft's $ 307 billion, Facebook is US $ 134 billion.

From a realistic point of view, Amazon does have a lot of potential engine of growth. Despite the slow progress, but the company continued to grocery delivery business to Seattle area outside. The company also plans to expand the base, to accommodate more staff. Amazon's original TV shows as well. And revealed this month drones distribution project is more looking forward to the industry.


一路飙升,亚马逊股价首破400美元大关 - 亚马逊 - IT资讯







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