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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/21 23:22:38 Edit(编辑)
2013 star of the science and technology circles to fall yesterday,

2013 star of the science and technology circles to fall yesterday,(2013年科技圈走向没落的昨日之星,)

Star-2013 technology declined yesterday Nokia, BlackBerry, Yahoo, MSN-IT information 2013 technology declined yesterday star

Peace through 2012 "doomsday" 2013, after the technology seems to be event frequency: yesterday's glorious radiant star today quietly fall; called the big boss got caught with its globally, face a cruel choice--to get the transformation to a lifeline, or accept fate deep bows. This news grabbed headlines over the past year, is full of heart-rending feelings change, frequently makes little friends stunned "the world is moving too fast" ... ...

As early as the end of 2012, United States business intelligence software developer, GoodData, founder and CEO, Romano-smooth Nick (Roman Stanek) in the online edition of Forbes magazine wrote, predicting technology trends for the next year. He wrote in the article, "in 2013 was a year of significant development of cloud computing will bring disruptive change to the IT industry. Technology giants in trouble ... ... HP will be split in two, Dell and Nokia will disappear, but we have not heard of many small company valuations reached an all-time high. ”

These predictions seem to be able to verify, technology giants and small start-up companies in the past year 2013 through extraordinary ebbs. Let us look at 2013 star of those declined yesterday, they were not used to represent their industry-leading level, also derived from the rise and fall of bear witness to the development of the times.

1. Microsoft buy Nokia mobile – victory of the Smartphone

Perhaps you've never used a Motorola cell phone, nor do I care it has been acquired by Google; doesn't matter to a Dell computer, and without it the privatization process of ups and downs for more than six months. But I believe that in your drawer, or a family member of junk in the trunk, there must be a tenacious the promise of phone records, with its splash of classic and iconic Bell become the collective memory for generations.

But nearly 3 years, Nokia's market capitalisation plunged, Finland headquarters building changed hands, exclusive of 14 global cell phone market share Championship throne in 2010 were claimed by Apple, Samsung, and Microsoft are trying to fight back the Windows Phone series sales slide ... ... On the way cell phones increasingly intelligent update, once by virtue of leading Nokia Symbian system seems to be like a big brother for many years, middle-aged man features native era come to an end after it lost the despot and vigour of youth, started toward a lethargic elderly.

September 3, 2013, Microsoft announced a $ 7.2 billion US dollar acquisition of Nokia devices and services sector (Nokia mobile phones), and obtained patent and brand licensing. Chased by knowing Apple, Samsung said Nokia sighs, turned its focus to Here the map service.

Since the start of 1960 year of manufacture mobile phone, counting, Nokia, 53 years of age. With 41 million pixel Lumia1020, Nokia phone series swan song. Only sigh to the world.

Old soldiers don't die, just on ice.

2. HP big layoffs--PC market stumbles

Over the past 5 years, HP has been cutting staff, and earlier this year announced plans to cut 29,000 jobs to complete its restructuring plan. Relative to Apple, IBM, Oracle, these giant landscape, HP's Silicon Valley founders myth, acted like a student now.

2011 Meg-Whitman (Meg Whitman) at a nominal "$ 1 salary" took over as HP's CEO, active innovation in an attempt to transition out of the declining trend in the company's revenues over the years. However, more than 70 times in the past 15 years bloated merger of Hewlett-Packard's not just institutions, development stalled, but let Lenovo took his leading position in the global PC market. Most of the time over the past 7 quarters, Hewlett-Packard's revenues are shrinking, returns on capital, and only the poor 7%.

Now HP's five-year plans have been in the past 2 years, PC market situation is still not optimistic: hit by the mobile Internet, the global demand for personal computers continues to shrink and bring increased competition-Dell and Lenovo-Dell HP price pressure after privatization, Lenovo is actively seize the HP's traditional strengths markets such as North America and Europe. HP is doubling, beset on all sides.

Comfort is optimistic about HP recovery on Wall Street, shares advanced more than 93% this year. Small company but in restructuring restructuring, layoffs and 3 up, can restore HP 2014 fiscal year revenue growth, this is still a mystery.

HP is at a tipping point – out of embarrassment PC market, or continue to suffer.

3. BlackBerry can survive? --Discussion on the adaptability of the product

Founded in 1999, the Canada company RIM, with the introduction of the iconic BlackBerry pioneered the Smartphone business, in the United States accounted for half of the market. In the United States from the President on down to the common people, a lot of people are loyal users of BlackBerry.

Within just a few years ' time, popular BlackBerry has been reduced, changing the name of the company, replacing CEO also failed to address the problems. Industry leader position was beyond BlackBerry woke up suddenly began a slow transition of.

In age of product all over the world already belongs to the past, in the era of mobile Internet, product manufacturers need to make more changes and adaptations. Noble cool BlackBerry bone but apparently did not follow this road, early releases BlackBerry 10 operating system and two tear each other new machines (Z10 and equipped with touch-screen keyboard Q10) and there is no one to break through, its performance is just the exam.

Continue to bet on the results of this time is then tossed about on a technology site during the year "BlackBerry looking to sell," "BlackBerry made it clear that no longer for sale" news carousel, companies both inside and outside the volatile situation in which more and more people have no hope, only expects it to be a "proper" curtain call ceremony.

In early November, formally renounced his BlackBerry scheme, companies will continue to operate in the future, and the withdrawal of the consumer marketing company focused on business customers. The "for sale" label has been tearing apart from, but company CEO, COO, CMO, CFO and other executives have left the company.

Vitality of the BlackBerry, and rice has yet?

4. rout of Yahoo mail and Yahoo China – live is the key

Not to believe in forever.

Yahoo mail closes once again to share this interpretation of the dreary meaning behind the words. This birth is less than 6 years, "lifetime mailbox" officially died on August 29, 2013. Throw in the that year's press releases in the search engines can find and permanent commitment of every word in the text, have become a face of black humor.

As a Yahoo one miracle the Internet in the late 20th century, started out in search, also one of the world's first Internet companies engaged in e-mail services and his co-founder Jerry Yang was at that time known, most Internet people in mainland China. And then the next thing we knew, in 1998, Yahoo acquired 40% shares of Alibaba, at the cost of $ 1 billion plus Yahoo China, 1999, Yahoo presence in Chinese mainland. Context have little Web sites throughout China at that time, the main Internet portal will soon join the ranks of Chinese Internet users.

This alternate capital operation can be called a win-win situation, Ali Baba with over 1 billion dollars to grow, Yahoo also wanted to get a return on equity. But Yahoo's headquarters for China's long-term strategic positioning of mistakes, and missed an opportunity to victory while under our layoff and business, Yahoo attend the China business, Yahoo China mere appendages of Alibaba's business expansion.

In October 2005, the wholly-owned after the acquisition of Yahoo China, Alibaba, Yahoo's China business is gradually being "hollowed out", leaving only branding the word Yahoo.

Today, Yahoo China has ceased on September 1, 2013 to provide information and community services, domain names have also been jumping to the Alibaba Group's public service channel, those loyal users of Yahoo, one after another for years after the company Yahoo lose search, email and portals, became the most loyal abandoned.

Before you promised forever, to live to see that day.

5. Dell--PC enterprise privatization in transition

Now among the world's top five PC vendors, HP, Lenovo, Dell, Acer and Asustek, being waged by the two strategic transformation, three others riding two, and apart from Lenovo, the other four days are bad.

The night of February 5, Dell officially announced will be $ 22.4 billion price was privatized, the company's CEO and founder Michael Dell (Michael Dell) and private equity firm Silver Lake (Silver Lake) at 13.65 dollars per share price for acquisitions. This great deal is expected to be completed by the end of Q2 of fiscal year 2014.

Competitive pressures and PC Dell seem to have no choice under the tide of recession, personal computer giants of yesteryear will be transformed into a business services company. But for Michael Dell and Dell company he helped create, privatization is a farewell to the PC era, was also a new beginning in transition.

Through this privatization, Dell does not have to expose under the scrutiny of investors and analysts, it will get more time and space to develop the company's business conducted a thorough combing, or split, transition service providers to better compete with IBM and HP.

This is Dell's second spring, please? How to follow the trend of mobile Internet, would be Dell's future is the essence of the problem.

Don't forget, there it takes two HP circling waiting for it.

6.MSN the iteration close-personal communication

IM on the market at an early stage, Microsoft's MSN and Tencent OICQ (now the QQ) should say it started at the same time, but rapid development of MSN with the strong support of Microsoft, to the heyday of the year 2008, its global market share has reached even 60%. Markets in mainland China, early MSN is "high-end atmosphere on the grade" pronoun, and QQ was regarded as Dick

Times change, and QQ daily active users have exceeded 700 million, and its "brother" micro-letter subscribers has exceeded 600 million, MSN has been almost deserted. On March 15, Microsoft announced the worldwide (except mainland China) close the MSN service, the only remnant of MSN will soon be buried in mainland China.

MSN goes down like epiphyllum, on the one hand is that Microsoft tried to comeback attempt – acquisition of Skype--rush, there is greater overlap with MSN features Skype has not unleashed, but even went along, Microsoft shall not have both by consolidating. But the more important reason, was Microsoft's innovations in mobile short boards in other IM application technology, continuous innovation, and MSN on their laurels, bring their function gradually backward and even out times, Conservative criticism, but also loss of the original user.

As Microsoft officially took the hands of Tom online Skype a few days ago China the right to operate, migrated to the Skype MSN business in mainland China is a foregone conclusion, MSN will be a thing of the past.

The decline of a star of yesterday's warning us: hard times and died happily.


2013年科技圈走向没落的昨日之星 - 诺基亚,黑莓,雅虎,MSN - IT资讯


早在2012年末,美国商业智能软件开发商GoodData创始人、CEO罗曼-斯坦尼克(Roman Stanek)在《福布斯》杂志网络版撰文,预测过下一年的科技趋势。他在文中写到,“2013年将是云计算取得重大发展的一年,将给IT行业带来颠覆性变革。一些科技巨头将陷入困境……惠普将一分为二,戴尔或诺基亚将消失,同时也让我们迄今未听说的许多小公司的估值达到前所未有的高度。”




但是近3年来,诺基亚公司市值暴跌,芬兰总部大楼易主,独享了14年全球手机市占率冠军的宝座在2010年被苹果、三星夺去,和微软合作试图绝地反击的Windows Phone系列销量滑坡……在手机日益向智能化更新的路上,曾经凭借Symbian系统独领风骚的诺基亚似乎像一个不做大哥好多年的中年人,在功能机时代终结后便失去了年轻时期的霸气和活力,开始向着暮气沉沉的老年迈进。






2011年梅格-惠特曼(Meg Whitman)以象征性的“1美元薪水”接任惠普CEO,积极创新以图实现转型,摆脱公司多年来营收下降的趋势。但是,在过去15年里进行了70多次并购的惠普不只是机构臃肿、发展失速,更是眼睁睁的看着联想抢走了自己在全球个人计算机市场上的统领地位。在过去7个季度的大部分时间里,惠普的营收都在萎缩,资本回报率只有可怜的7%。







以一款产品打遍天下的时代已经属于过去,在移动互联网时代,厂商需要对产品做出更多的变革和适应性。但骨子里高贵冷艳的黑莓显然没有遵循此路,年初发布的BlackBerry 10操作系统和两款相互拆台新机(触屏的Z10和配备实体键盘的Q10)并没有令人眼前一亮的突破,其表现只算刚好及格。














2月5日晚,戴尔公司正式对外宣布将以224亿美元的价格被私有化,公司的CEO兼创始人迈克尔-戴尔(Michael Dell)与私募股权投资公司银湖(Silver Lake)以每股13.65美元的价格进行收购。这场浩大的交易预计会在2014财年的Q2结束前完成。












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