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published in(发表于) 2016/3/16 6:12:25 Edit(编辑)
Millet charged lightning OS 360 and unfair competition: claims 20 million,

Millet charged lightning OS 360 and unfair competition: claims 20 million,(小米起诉360与雷电OS不正当竞争:索赔2000万,)



Millet charged lightning OS 360 and unfair competition: claims 20 million-millet, 360,MIUI, Thunder and OS-IT information

On March 16, in January this year, millet and 360 and pinched a frame because millet found 360 Security guardian version through popups and other forms to trick phone users to install a named "lightning OS" software, because of tampering with the system signature appears phone does not upgrade correctly, system crashes, and so on. 360 is said to recommend good products are granted to the user, and so on . Then two men accused each other, it also began to subside. However, it seems this thing is not over yet.

Millet company yesterday to 360 for unfair competition complaint to the Haidian District Court, the Court then accepted the case. Be divided in this matter is as follows: in January of this year, rice announced that its app store under line 360 software, as millet believes that 360 requires users to install "lightning OS", have jumped the flow behavior. 360 it would make the US opposition to millet kill lightning OS's statement, declaring that "lightning OS MIUI than lightweight, power-saving, fast, without pre-installed software", "compared with MIUI lightning OS volume is small, fast, good safety performance, power flow, natural win users."

Millet in the indictment said lightning OS there is no change of the so-called mobile phone original MIUI system, which is essentially a disguised as a mobile phone operating system mobile phone APPand, in addition, millet said in August last year-in January this year and constantly received complaints from users, mobile phones in lightning after the OS is installed and you have all sorts of problems.

Millet argues that360 mobile sales, mobile application distribution and smart-phone operating systems with millet has a direct competitor, competitors in business. 360 in a case without any basis in fact, fabrications spread by declaring the so-called lightning OS than MIUI has many advantages, such as false facts to directly harm the business reputation of millet company . Meanwhile, lightning OS 360 security guards as the only binding mounting channel and made a public statement on its official Twitter and media, for Mongolian companies Duo (lightning OS research and development company) defamation of reputation and endorsed and strongly recommended of false propaganda, 360 and the duo cast discredit millet company to jointly implement company goodwill and false propaganda and other acts of unfair competition.

Finally, the millet asked the Court to order the 360 and Meng duo immediately to stop the infringing act, an apology and compensation for the economic losses of 20 million Yuan .

小米起诉360与雷电OS不正当竞争:索赔2000万 - 小米,360,MIUI,雷电OS - IT资讯






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