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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/17 8:34:51 Edit(编辑)
Beyond your imagination, history’s great game screen,

Beyond your imagination, history’s great game screen,(超乎你的想象,史上最大游戏屏幕,)

Beyond your imagination, history's great game-game screen-IT the screen information Beyond your imagination, history's great game screen

Have you ever thought of super huge screens to play games? To play with the latest 70-inch television screens should be good, right? Still want to hit with a 300-inch projection cloth? You've never thought about using an entire building to screen it. In London has building abandoned of building Millenium Mills, due to near river shore, plus building also pretty flat of, on has businesses in across pendulum has a Taiwan projector, then uses building of Windows as interval to reproduce small Elf under, as long as a to night on open to guest playing, also because such everyone for night of abandoned building no longer is terrorist, also more has more opportunities.

However, if you did not hang for a few seconds, you'll want to dig a hole to crawl into.


超乎你的想象,史上最大游戏屏幕 - 游戏屏幕 - IT资讯

你是否曾想过要用超级超级大的屏幕来打游戏呢?用最新的70寸的电视屏幕来打应该很爽吧?还是要用300寸的投影布来打呢?你一定没想过用一整栋大楼来当屏幕吧。在伦敦有栋废弃的大楼Millenium Mills,由于靠近河岸边,加上大楼也蛮平整的,就有商家在对岸摆了一台投影机,然后利用大楼的窗户当作间隔来重现《小精灵》,只要一到晚上就开放给客人玩,也因为这样大家对于夜晚的废弃大楼不再感到恐怖,也多了更多商机。



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