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published in(发表于) 2016/7/19 10:36:56 Edit(编辑)
Xinhua comments on “broken iPhone“: they toss themselves are not patriotic,

Xinhua comments on “broken iPhone“: they toss themselves are not patriotic,(新华社评“砸烂iPhone”:自己折腾自己不是爱国,)



Xinhua comments on "broken iPhone": they toss themselves are not patriotic-South China Sea Arbitration-IT information

Recently, the "South China Sea Arbitration farce" results, which greatly hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, many netizens on the Internet provoked condemnation. As a Chinese, the heart of the country's future fate, revealed "South China Sea Arbitration farce" the injustice behind, is the embodiment of patriotism. However, if this kind of emotional release, into a wrongful act against social order, also labelled "patriotic" label into errors.

Media reports, individual Internet users claim to patriotism "to smash iPhone" to boycott KFC not ... ... A similar move is not the correct way to express patriotic feelings, most users would be reason to distinguish.

A few years ago, Japan launched the "purchase farce", such wild and also user protest action. At that time, some extremely unwise people shouted patriotic, on behalf of Nu hit fellow Japanese car even with Japan about everything included in the damage. Xian who open their Corollas, but by a group of people besieged, broken head. The end result is, of course, must pay for the property damage caused by wounding rightly subject to criminal penalties.

Say, sensible people are hard to understand, how could fellow damage to property as a "patriotic", this is not about yourself? To say the dark, which is "Pro-pain, enemies and fast".

Face the South China Sea Arbitration, my Government firmly say "no". National leader through important occasions the solemn statement related sectors through a variety of channels to explain the situation, position, present the facts and speak the truth, stick to resolve issues relating to territory and maritime delimitation through negotiations. If the Patriots, should disseminate these "voice of China", work hard, and then summon a "Chinese power".

If we can get out of the misunderstanding of thinking, more sensible, patriotic ideas into action, based on their own good work, down to contribute to national development, it is pragmatic and effective Patriot.

Poor writers this is the farce of the most unwilling, or most afraid of.

新华社评“砸烂iPhone”:自己折腾自己不是爱国 - 南海仲裁 - IT资讯








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