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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/13 10:13:55 Edit(编辑)
Lei June sell MoE can’t hold, mysterious new products more attractive,

Lei June sell MoE can’t hold, mysterious new products more attractive,(雷军卖萌hold不住,神秘新品更诱人,)

Lei June sell MoE can't hold, the mysterious new products more appealing-Lei June-IT information Lei June sell MoE can't hold, the mysterious new products more appealing

"The Internet is like entertainment, a friend said to me, your real. "Said Lei June, Remy science and technology Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, recently, he is the Internet community a hot wrist. Yesterday afternoon, appeared Lei June 2013 CCTV financial Forum "business opportunities on your fingertips" sub-forum.

To face the outside world questions about marketing millet hype, hunger, Lei June a pair of grievances, urged reporters to help explain to the user for clarification.

"To tell the truth, the curse has been accompanied by growing millet, I've also been called quite a beating. "Lei June looked helpless, look cute like a innocent child.

Lei June said millet products are listed in October from the year before, now the company has only been in operation for 26 months. Millet sold more than 10,000 in the first month, seems to have been very good at that time, who would have thought it could sell 3 million per month, sales of more than 5 billion yuan last year. Millet mobile phone sales of 7.29 million last year, this year's sales broke the 19 million, sales of nearly 30 billion yuan.

"Millet growth far exceeded everybody think about breakthrough enterprise growth limits. "Lei June went on to say, we hope to give rice a little more time. Of course, don't grab the millet products consumers need not lose heart. In millet's "shock", a lot of the quality of China-made mobile phones have increased, prices come down, "ultimately benefit consumers. ”

"Somebody said I was the spoiler in the mobile phone industry, I felt I was revolutionary for the industry. "Lei June said that the subversion of the traditional industries of the Internet, has been fully validated.

Recently, one more Member of the millet family: mobile power, domestic price 69.

This seemingly insignificant things, launched immediately sold 10 million units. Lei June and the company as a whole, take this to the international market.

Millet tech strategic vision, millet on the international market with the next three years. After phone, box, mobile power, who will become the next Subversion is millet?

"Exploration of millet on the router. "As for how, Lei June sold a master key, now more inconvenience," says one thing is revealed, it's intelligent home appliances control, fun and innovation. ”

Lei June it seems that mobile Internet competition may be more intense than the Internet, peers are upset, everyone is too busy ticket, in fact, is fighting for position. "As far as today, its tickets are already in place, we most ticket process. ”

(IT news small allocation map)


雷军卖萌hold不住,神秘新品更诱人 - 雷军 - IT资讯














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