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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/11 8:47:39 Edit(编辑)
Experts interpret 2014 holiday arrangements: the most popular programme is adopted,

Experts interpret 2014 holiday arrangements: the most popular programme is adopted,(专家解读2014放假安排:最受欢迎方案被采纳,)

Experts interpret 2014 holiday schedule: most popular programme was adopted-2014 holiday arrangements, holiday arrangements, not new year's Eve holiday-IT information Experts interpret 2014 holiday arrangements: the most popular programme is adopted

Published notice of the 11th part of 2014 holiday holiday arrangements and holiday paid leave schemes. Next year's holidays holiday highlights? Holiday via the Internet announced which of the three options were adopted? Consecutive working days before and after the long vacation next year? How to hack gold traffic congestion problem and scenic spots of the week? This reporter interviewed the concerned departments and some experts and scholars.

Ask account to the people the most popular programme was adopted

To make holiday arrangements for scientific and rational, last month, the national holiday tourism inter-ministerial coordination office repeatedly solicit views of the community on the basis of the meeting, by 6 websites such as Sina, Sohu, Tencent conducted a questionnaire survey on three sets of paid leave options open for comments. More than 3.12 million employees took part in the survey of Internet users, only the third package is supported by more than half. This package contain the Spring Festival and the national day two two-day paid leave vacation.

Beijing Jiaotong University, Professor, Member of the national expert team leader Shi Peihua said the platform for tourism and leisure, the holiday schedule is now published under the condition of integrated optimization of scheme. Such adjustments adapt to public opinion and adapt to new changes and new demands for development, is to constantly optimize the system of official holidays.

"I think three is a good program, returned to the commemoration of the holiday break or standard. Chinese new year adjustable loan form a 7-day holiday over the weekend as necessary, meet the requirements of this important traditional festivals in the Spring Festival family reunion. "School of public administration at Renmin University Professor Dong Ke said.

After holiday announced three holiday package q meter to the people. In this regard, Dong Ke believes that such an approach as "very good", both the party and the Government on issues related to the vital interests of the people listen to the voice of the masses, pay attention to the opinions of the masses on the good traditions and embodied the new Government in public policy decision making in the use of modern information technology to promote reform of the decision-making more scientific and democratic spirit. Brainstorm is the process of achieving social consensus, community consensus was reached, will be much more successful in the policy implementation, "it ' s not a waste of time to sharpen a knife".

Experts believe that the next year's vacation schedule takes into account people's holiday and leisure needs , keep the Spring Festival and the national day holiday 7 days, also Shun tones lend to rationalize the tomb-sweeping day, labor day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival three days small holiday.

Holiday no longer appears before and after long work week

"The adjustment programme has two characteristics: first, can solve the problem of work for a long time; the second is to solve the problem of paid leave, holidays to let nature take its course. "Shi Peihua said.

In previous years, before and after the 7-day holiday consecutive working days than the Super 5 day work week, some Office workers complain. Consecutive working days only 4 days before the Spring Festival holiday next year, after consecutive working days to 3 days consecutive working days prior to the national day holiday for 3 days, after working 4 days in a row.

Dong Ke said that Spring Festival, national day and only 3 days of statutory holidays. Transferred in the past to take either before or after the regular holiday practices are different for two straight weeks, try not to upset the current holiday arrangement for social work and the pace of life, take one section before and ganglion Zhou Xiuri regulating practice, forming little 7 days long vacations. This both for distance or go home to visit% 3C% 3E family, and avoid either before or after the problem of long working week.

Shi Peihua said the holiday is based on the traditional lunar calendar and the current Gregorian calendar the calendar arranged in a fixed time, sometimes on convergence with the weekend days are not, in recent years people have become accustomed to holidays and Zhou Xiuri even take, therefore it was necessary to continue to adopt paid leave.

He said holiday pattern is the basic system of society, involved in running social life, public services, public safety, it needs Government attach great importance to and promote. Holidays and adapted to national circumstances and development stages of the system, reflect the level of economic and social development. Holiday pattern involves the interests of every citizen, and assembling the unit production cost, need to be integrated and take into account various factors.

Implementing the employee paid leave to crack the Golden Week jam problem

In recent years, the holiday focus led to traffic jams and scenic spots in some areas, caused paid leave before or after working long hours in a row, and brings tourism supply and demand imbalance issues ranging from lower quality and higher prices.

In this regard, Dong Ke recommendations in a variety of ways, urging the practical implementation of the employer paid annual leave regulations. This will protect the interests of workers and avoid a peak traffic and tourism while vacationing in the country.

Shi Peihua said, "to really solve the problem of overcrowding in Golden Week really need to implement measures such as paid vacation, tourism resources in to spread more balanced configuration. There is also a need to increase tourist scenic spot, particularly suitable for leisure travel products, and constantly improve the holiday schedule, improve public service and management levels in tourism-related industries. ”

He recommended the development of corresponding support introduced paid leave policies: "can be taken into account during spring and autumn student two two-day holiday, reducing summer and winter vacation 5 days each time. Which is conducive to the formation and the dock holiday vacation, family vacation. ”

Some experts said in an interview with Xinhua, "only the real implementation of paid leave system for people according to their individual and family needs, free scheduled travel time, can greatly alleviate the pressure flow of concentration to travel to scenic spots during holidays, leisure tourism boost quality of life".

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专家解读2014放假安排:最受欢迎方案被采纳 - 2014年放假安排,放假安排,除夕不放假 - IT资讯


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