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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2013/11/14 3:26:23 Edit(编辑)
This lesson on what? Korea netizens exposed “the most beautiful teachers“

This lesson on what? Korea netizens exposed “the most beautiful teachers“(这课还怎么上?韩国网友曝光“最美女教师” )

This lesson on what?
Korea netizens exposed "the most beautiful teacher"-the most beautiful teachers-IT information This lesson on what? Korea netizens exposed "the most beautiful teachers"

Recently, Korea netizens exposed one of "the most beautiful teachers" private beauty shines.

This beautiful teacher called puxianshan, 28 years old, is a designer and University lecturer. Angel face with killer body, makes puxianshan school special concern, the classes are packed, even the students are reluctant to call it a day.

Allegedly her beauty shines in Korea spread domestic concern and sought after by many users at once, netizens pals "this teacher is really beautiful! ”

Soft vector editor saying that schools have teachers like this, those skip-proof software, named brush face does not need, who cut class anymore. But how many are to go to the lecture?


这课还怎么上?韩国网友曝光“最美女教师” - 最美女教师 - IT资讯






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