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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:28:38 Edit(编辑)
Talk about value for money is a hooligan? Mobile phone price and hardware cost is really trivial,

Talk about value for money is a hooligan? Mobile phone price and hardware cost is really trivial,(不谈性价比就是耍流氓?手机售价和硬件成本关系真的不大,)



Talk about value for money is a hooligan? Mobile phone price and hardware cost really trivial-mobile phone costs, pricing strategies, mobile phone-IT news

Whenever has heavy new machine sale zhihou, friends circle in the on will out to several such of articles, title often to new models price and cost of post as stunt attract readers, and this class articles also often with a step by step of "Science type" writing, told readers you hands of phone what has more not worth, spent so more money buy Department phone completely is was manufacturers pit has. Article comments posted there, "bad Apple", "Wicked three-star" itself. But cell phone pricing, cost aside, really did companies get profit? These manufacturers really can earn so much money?

Hardware costs

Since a lot of people are interested in hardware costs, then we will take a look at the phone′s hardware costs will amount to recent Samsung S7, for example:

Samsung Galaxy S7 of hardware cost probably for 255 dollars (about collection Yuan 1667 Yuan) which Gao Tongxiao Dragon 820 processor cost highest, probably for 62 dollars (405 Yuan Yuan around), and phone hardware in the another important parts camera of cost also not low, probably is in 13.7 dollars (about collection 89 Yuan Yuan) remaining of hardware as memory, and touch control screen, and fingerprint recognition device, parts cost added up probably for 175 dollars, and hardware of assembled cost probably for 5 dollars.

1067 hardware cost compared to Samsung Galaxy S7 flagship machine is not a higher average price of nearly 5,000, and hardware costs with the Galaxy for iPhone 6s S7, at around $ 200.

Of course in hardware costs between manufacturers and the actual hardware cost, also called "production cost" concept, according to the different handset manufacturers to power, the size of the order, mobile phone manufacturers are bargaining power with suppliers. Mobile phone prices for key components per quarter to decline roughly around 5%. A cell phone′s production costs are lower than the initial cost of the machine, but that part of the money into a firm′s profit yet? Apparently not.

Because the hardware cost is clearly a most basic part of a cell phone pricing. Despite the hardware costs, and the cost of new machine designs, every manufacturer has several closed with the profit.

The circulation cost

Circulation cost in mobile phone sales was a very complicated concept, every company on the circulation cost control can best embody the company′s way of doing business.

First of all promotional and marketing costs, while many manufacturers to promote their products, many are spending huge sums to campaign for the product, creating deep physical and mental brainwashing slogans for products, think about how you remember "charge for five minutes, and talk for two hours"? Advertising, online and offline promotion, is not a small expense, after all, the wool of sheep, are ultimately paid for by consumers.

Next retail channels, when manufacturers to supply dealers, given mainly by dealers for pricing to determine the number of orders, dealer order more can get a lower price and factories, we bought a cell phone, many times is not just a dealer′s hand. Manufacturers for dealer pricing, often only 50 percent-60 percent of the purchase price.

There is the online service, which is a very important link in aftermarket, if manufacturers want to ensure coverage of the line after-sales and service quality, you need to pay for its cost, which is part of the cost will obviously add to the selling price of the product. Today many consumers complain after buying mobile phones for sale, quickly caught up with buying a new machine replacing a part price reasons, most manufacturers in order to save costs, link input after the sale.

Getting from mobile phones shipped to consumers, the new flow in many sectors in corresponding overhead, nature these will translate to consumer pricing. Of course, the mobile phone distribution costs in the process, often referred to as business confidential information strictly confidential. Consumers can understand, touch, that is one app public "explosions" article in the "ultra low cost".

Pricing strategy is important

In the pricing of mobile phone manufacturers, for their product positioning and pricing strategies, pricing of priority is the final product. First grade position manufacturers to introduce a cell phone will first consider the product to be market-oriented, to product classification. Main flagship high-end product configurations and functions, mid-tier products main features, low-end products main price advantage.

Manufacturer pricing when combining these two pricing methods: market-oriented and skimming pricing. Market-oriented pricing based on market demand for price skimming pricing is at the initial stages of product life cycle to set the price higher in order to maximize profits, product life-cycle delay gradual price cuts.

Written in the last: maybe a lot of people are misled about cost thinking

China has a very special market, many consumers on product pricing of judgment was not far off the cost, especially in a number of manufacturers to push cost thinking, in other words "cost-effective" guided by the thinking of many consumers see something worth instead of brand and quality but cost how much.

Consumers select the boot market, which many manufacturers are wondering not how to get product, but how to achieve the lowest cost, or directly to the cottage, and hype their products on the market "value for money". Even when there is a domestic mobile phone manufacturers are still in the competition, had flipped their product "negative margins" comment.

Price is a determining factor for consumers in selecting products, but those manufacturers advocate the "cost-effective" and "profit" clearly less important, few products will the so-called "black hardware costs should be so low," give up the choice of a product, when I decided to buy buy buy or cash, consumers naturally steelyard.

不谈性价比就是耍流氓?手机售价和硬件成本关系真的不大 - 手机成本,定价策略,手机市场 - IT资讯




三星Galaxy S7的硬件成本大概为255美元(约合人民币1667元)其中高通骁龙820处理器成本最高,大概为62美元(405元人民币左右)、手机硬件中另一个重要部件摄像头的成本也不低,大概是在13.7美元(约合89元人民币)其余的硬件如内存、触控屏幕、指纹识别器等部件成本加起来大概为175美元,而硬件的组装成本大概为5美元。

一千六七的硬件成本,相比于三星Galaxy S7这款旗舰机将近五千元的售价并不算高,而iPhone 6s的硬件成本也与Galaxy S7相当,在200美元左右。
















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