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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/18 8:35:52 Edit(编辑)
FBI warns United States Government: “anonymous“ hacker group,

FBI warns United States Government: “anonymous“ hacker group,(FBI警告美国政府:“匿名者”黑客团体来了,)

FBI warns United States Government: "anonymous" hacker group Anonymous hackers, hacker-IT information FBI warns United States Government: "anonymous" hacker group

According to Reuters, FBI this week to the United States Government warns that "anonymous" hacker groups have secret invasion United States Government's computer to steal sensitive information from multiple agencies, their action has been going on for almost a year now.

Contacted by Reuters, FBI memo says, since December last year, hackers exploit Adobe software vulnerabilities, launched several invasion and set aside "back door" channels, so that the returned computer systems by hackers. A recent intrusion occurred in October this year.

Memorandum describes practices for these attacks as "problems in wide sphere of influence,", affected the United States Army, the Department of energy and health and human services, and even many other bodies.

The Administration believes that these infringements are ongoing. Investigators scope of collecting information. System administrators can learn from the memorandum, where starting with systematic troubleshooting to determine if the system is hacked.

An FBI spokesman declined to elaborate.

According to sources, stolen data includes at least 104,000 Energy Department employees, contractors, family members and other people's personal information, as well as 20,000 bank account information. Missing bank information may result in the Bank theft, which is quite worrying.

FBI says these infringements and laoli·lafu (Lauri Love). Laurie on October 28 was accused of incursions into American Government computers. Investigators believe that Laurie and his associates from using the Adobe ColdFusion software security vulnerabilities.

Spokesman for the Adobe xise·aideer (Heather Edell), she reported to the FBI did not know. She also added that the Adobe company we know, most attacked software is not updated with the latest security patches.

Hacker said, one of their objectives was to get back at United States authorities against some hackers complaints of misconduct, including excessive sentencing in the trial of yalun·siwoci. Swartz is a programmer who is accused of illegally downloaded from the JSTOR digital library collection of academic journal articles, who committed suicide before the trial.


FBI警告美国政府:“匿名者”黑客团体来了 - 匿名者黑客,黑客 - IT资讯







FBI表示,这些入侵行为与劳里•拉夫(Lauri Love)有关。劳里于10月28日被控侵入美政府计算机。调查者认为,劳里及其同伙利用了Adobe ColdFusion软件的安全漏洞。

Adobe发言人希瑟•埃德尔(Heather Edell)表示,她对FBI的报告并不知情。她还补充,Adobe公司查知,大多数受到攻击的软件并未使用最新的安全补丁进行更新。



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