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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 12:37:09 Edit(编辑)
The infamous “shock Web“ virus infection rushed out of the Earth the ISS

The infamous “shock Web“ virus infection rushed out of the Earth the ISS(臭名昭著的“震网”病毒冲出地球感染国际空间站 )

The infamous "shock Web" virus raced out of the Earth's seismic network of infection-the international space station, ISS-IT information The infamous "shock Web" virus infection rushed out of the Earth the ISS

Russia renowned security expert Eugene Kaspersky (Eugene Kaspersky) revealed that one Russia cosmonauts carry infected flash drive has resulted in the international space station, in addition to the infamous "shock Web" viruses have also infected by Russia of a nuclear power plant.

Kaspersky does not disclose the specific impact on the international space station because of a virus infection, it did not disclose the date of infection. But speculation that likely the United Space Alliance May occur when maintenance on the international space station this year. They were bringing the whole system was changed into Linux, making it more "stable and reliable."

Prior to that, on the international space station, "dozens of laptops" is used by Windows XP, the system more susceptible to malware than Linux.

Kaspersky said the infection initially occur on scientists using Windows laptops, and later carried by USB to the international space station. But in May this year was changed into the Linux front, control system on the international space station has used various versions of Linux.

According to science and technology Web site ExtremeTech reports as early as in 2008, Russia cosmonauts will carry first was W32.Gammima.AG Worm infected Windows XP laptop to the international space station, and quickly infected other Windows XP within a space station laptops.

Kaspersky said this incident showed that is not connected to the Internet will not let you escape the risk of virus infection. In another incident, who is not connected to the Internet in Russia nuclear power plant also was infected with the infamous "shock Web" virus.

Although it does not have much impact on the mainstream users, but "the earthquake network" has become one of history's most notorious viruses. Although the United States and Israel has never acknowledged but widely believed, "earthquake network" was jointly developed between the two Governments, aimed at undermining Iran nuclear facility to stop the country's development of nuclear weapons.

Because Iran Natanz nuclear reactor and no access to the Internet, so that the virus is also spread through USB. It can make the centrifuge spins out of control, caused physical damage of plants.

Kaspersky says seismic networks, Gaussian, flames and Red October, viruses are extremely complex, development costs of up to $ 10 million.


臭名昭著的“震网”病毒冲出地球感染国际空间站 - 震网,国际空间站 - IT资讯

俄罗斯著名安全专家尤金·卡巴斯基(Eugene Kaspersky)披露,一名俄罗斯宇航员携带的优盘已经导致国际空间站感染病毒,除此之外,臭名昭著的“震网”病毒也已经感染了俄罗斯的一座核电厂。


在此之前,国际空间站上有“数十台笔记本”使用的是Windows XP,该系统比Linux更容易感染恶意软件。


据科技网站ExtremeTech报道,早在2008年,俄罗斯宇航员就携带一台被W32.Gammima.AG蠕虫感染的Windows XP笔记本前往国际空间站,并很快感染了空间站内的其他Windows XP笔记本电脑。






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