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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 11:56:07 Edit(编辑)
In order to “stand out“ Apple TV next year is not listed

In order to “stand out“ Apple TV next year is not listed(为了“鹤立鸡群”,苹果电视明年也难上市 )

In order to "stand out" Apple TV next year there is listing-Apple, Apple TV, Apple TV-IT information In order to "stand out" Apple TV next year is not listed

NPD market research company DisplaySearch local time Monday, citing published sources, the TV industry supply chain report, Apple released their own brand of TV programme has been "in abeyance", plans to release a product code-named iWatch wearable electronics.

The news sources, Apple no longer plans to release TV production next year. NPD DisplaySearch TV baoluo·Jia genong, head of research of North America (Paul Gagnon) said that Apple's original plan "is not enough", but Apple originally planned to launch a TV production late next year.

The sources said Apple TV production bounce "the main reason" is one of the access "does not appear in the proprietary content with any other product." Such content would allow Apple to compete with its rivals in the "crowd", succeed in the competitive TV market.

Apple TV, Roku, Google Chromecast of set-top boxes, such as growth, but also makes many consumers no longer need to buy a smart TV. Jiagenong wrote, "in fact, Apple TV may be a stumbling block to the success of Apple's smart TV. We expect this year, smart TV will account for shipments of about one-fourth, future growth rates will be very low, "

Over the years, the rumors about Apple push its own brand TV come and go, but in recent months has "disappeared". Industry watchers expect Apple iWatch will be published next year.

Expected, Apple's next-generation Apple TV will use the new control methods, you can further enhance the user experience.


为了“鹤立鸡群”,苹果电视明年也难上市 - 苹果,苹果电视,Apple TV - IT资讯

市场研究公司NPD DisplaySearch当地时间周一援引电视产业供应链消息人士的话发表报告称,苹果发布自主品牌电视机的计划已“暂时搁置”,可能计划发布一款代号为iWatch的可穿戴电子产品。

上述消息人士透露,苹果不再计划明年发布电视机产品。NPD DisplaySearch北美电视研究主管保罗·加格侬(Paul Gagnon)说,苹果最初的计划“远远不够具体”,但苹果最初计划明年下半年推出一款电视机产品。


Apple TV、Roku、Google Chromecast等机顶盒的增长,也使得许多消费者无须再购买智能电视。加格侬写道,“事实上,Apple TV可能是苹果智能电视成功的绊脚石。我们预计,今年智能电视将占到电视机出货量的约四分之一,只是以后的增长速度会非常低,”


外界预计,苹果新一代Apple TV将采用全新控制方法,可以进一步增强用户体验。


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