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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/5/10 21:36:34 Edit(编辑)
MA: without adequate Internet infrastructure, not frightening than it was 20 years ago,

MA: without adequate Internet infrastructure, not frightening than it was 20 years ago,(马云:如无足够互联网基础设施,比20年前没电还可怕,)



MA: without adequate Internet infrastructure, worse than 20 years ago, no electricity-Ma, Alibaba, Internet economy-IT information

Alibaba Group Chairman Jack Ma said in an interview with Xinhua here 4th, Alibaba help "along the way" initiative, Dongfeng, is committed to building a global e-commerce platform to promote e-business globalization. Development of e-commerce in Latin America at a critical "opportunity period" will become the region's economic development and social transformation of the powerful engine.

Ma's to visit Argentina and Mexico, and Argentina's President, Mauricio Macri, the President of Mexico Pe?a and the industrial and commercial sectors of the two countries for in-depth exchanges on e-commerce cooperation. Ma said Alibaba to grow the first elements of globalization. 10-20 years in the future, participating in "along the way" at the same time, Alibaba will combine its own globalization strategy to promote e-business globalization, the group in Asia, Europe the layout soon, the next step will focus on achieving a breakthrough in Latin America and Africa, particularly in Latin America.

Information chart

Talk about electric business development in Latin America, he said, Latin America with essential elements such as economic development, population, resources, but the Internet infrastructure development level is not high, there is a high cost of broadband, Internet connection problems such as inadequate. Because of this, "may be our best chance."

He believes that the next 30 years, if some countries and regions do not have sufficient Internet infrastructure, not frightening it than it was 20 years ago. Alibaba will put into long-term development strategies in Latin America, long-term investment, through ten years of hard work were developed by e-commerce in the region.

He said that small and medium enterprises in Latin America, and China's economies are highly complementary. In Mexico, for example, more than 90% of the enterprises are small and medium enterprises, create nearly 50% of gross domestic product and more than 80% jobs. Many small and medium enterprises in Latin America through the e-commerce network into markets outside their home country.

Ma said that over the past twenty or thirty years, import and export trade rules set by the developed countries of the world, convenience and service to large enterprises. The next twenty or thirty years, must allow SMEs in developing countries and SMEs in developed countries participate in the rule-making. Alibaba's role is to set up in the Internet age of global network services to small and medium enterprises, to SMEs free to deal.

In Ma's view, also contribute to developing e-commerce in Latin America from middle income trap, the promotion of social transformation. He said that one of Alibaba's contribution to society is the promotion of the realization of the cashless society. All commercial activities were recorded in e-commerce, a person enjoy the right to fair access to trade, corruption is discovered, social transaction costs low, government services faster, world trade and the circulation of increasingly efficient services. This will help to eliminate corruption, in cash beyond the reach of the society.

"The exchange between people and people should go before the trade," Ma said, through tourism, cultural exchanges so that more people in better understanding, to find more business opportunities, enhance well-being.

马云:如无足够互联网基础设施,比20年前没电还可怕 - 马云,阿里巴巴,互联网经济 - IT资讯










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