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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/4/7 16:42:52 Edit(编辑)
Beijing damaged share the bike and a mountain: the 300 m,

Beijing damaged share the bike and a mountain: the 300 m,(北京损坏共享单车堆成山:绵延300米,)



Beijing damaged share the bike and a mountain: the 300 m-shared bicycles, ofo-IT information

On April 6, Beijing, Chaoyang District, a shared bike repair point, about 1 km long section, OFO covered with small yellow bus nearly 300 meters long, car pile up. Nearly spoiled shared bike together, waiting for master maintenance repair.

Damaged bikes being obliterated the license plate number.

OFO yellow vehicle by license plate number password lock plate damage, users will not be able to check the bike password.

Damaged share bicycles stacked a few metres high.

Master handling corrupted shared bikes.

About 1 km long section, bad cars and a mountain, covered 300 meters long.

北京损坏共享单车堆成山:绵延300米 - 共享单车,ofo - IT资讯







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