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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/3/7 7:18:14 Edit(编辑)
Study: cab exterior color associated with the accident rate,

Study: cab exterior color associated with the accident rate,(研究显示:出租车车身颜色与事故率相关联,)



Study: cab exterior color with the accident rate-taxi, traffic accident-IT information

The next time you when taking a taxi, perhaps it is best to look at the body color. The proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States said a new study released on 6th, yellow taxi accident probability is lower than that of blue taxi.

"The discovery is of great significance to improving public transport security," one of the study's authors, Xia Xiaoyu told Xinhua, an Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong said, "a city generally hope to standardize the taxi color, the Government can provide guidance on the color selection. If you select safer colors (yellow), no increase in operating costs and a taxi company, by the traffic accident and health and property damage can be reduced. ”

Xia Xiaoyu in cooperation with Singapore's original intention was to study how to improve public safety and reduce the probability of occurrence of the accident. Study on selection of taxi, first, because this is a kind of big-city dwellers often use public transport; second, the taxis are equipped with a complete information system, each car is easy to do a full analysis on the driving record.

Researchers contacted Singapore's biggest taxi company, the company provides all the drivers almost 3 years complete records of accidents, there is a random sample of more than more than 3,000 drivers of detailed personal information and driving records. Since the company was formed in 2002 by merge two subsidiaries, whose CAB has two colors, blue and yellow, but the vehicle are the same brands and models.

Analysis shows that recruitment process exactly the same yellow and blue taxi drivers, drivers also were randomly assigned to driving a taxi, but the yellow cab fleet accident rate is always lower than the blue taxi fleet. Due to the yellow and blue taxi fleet drivers in the driving experience, education level, age and place of residence and other parameters there is no difference, the researchers conclude: body color with taxis have an important connection between the accident rate.

"Our analysis by accident type and visibility when the accident happened, found the yellow cab in blue CAB has a higher visibility, more likely to attract the attention of other drivers, so you can reduce the probability of other vehicles crashed into a taxi. This advantage makes visibility yellow taxi accident probability is lower than blue taxi 9%, "Xia Xiaoyu said.

Researchers believe that the study results also helpful on urban management in China. Assuming a large Chinese city had 65,000 mainly blue cab, calculated according to the average accident rate of taxis in Singapore, after the body color changed to a striking yellow, the city can be reduced 4,700 taxi-related traffic accidents every year, so as to reduce property losses of about 50 million Yuan.

研究显示:出租车车身颜色与事故率相关联 - 出租车,交通事故 - IT资讯








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