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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/28 7:56:12 Edit(编辑)
Students buy 100,000 private information registered PayPal account, sold for profit, and sentenced to 6 months

Students buy 100,000 private information registered PayPal account, sold for profit, and sentenced to 6 months(大学生购买十万条私人信息注册支付宝账号,出售牟利,获刑6个月,)



Students buy 100,000 private information registered PayPal account, sold for profit, jailed for 6 months-PayPal, privacy-IT information

College student Yang illegal purchase of citizens ' personal information from the Internet more than 100,000 articles, then bought PayPal batch registration software, apply for PayPal accounts over more than 80,000 for sale, from which to make a profit. Shocking is that Yang purchased more than more than 100,000 personal information only takes 5808, only 5 cents per piece of personal information ... ... Recently, the linyi city Lanshan Court on defendant's Yang illegal access to personal information a trial in the case, sentenced the defendant Yang shall be sentenced to 6 months and a fine of 20,000 yuan. It is understood that the Lanshan district this is the first case before the court cases of illegal access to personal information.

Yang stated, in 2014, he joined a QQ Group, members of the Group were mostly sellers Taobao, Alipay account, account, was the sale of brush Taobao credit, the PayPal verification software. May 2015, to earned points pocket money, Dr a from the group in nickname for "Miyoshi girls" of user in the to 5808 Yuan of price purchase has more than 100,000 over real personal information, from another a user hands purchase about 100,000 a 163 mailbox, again from group main hands purchase has three a bulk registered software, total registered has 80,000 a paid treasure account, sold to others brush single using, from earned has large interests.

In July 2015, the Public Security Bureau of linyi city Lanshan branch network security team guarding a squadron superiors informed the clues, Lanshan district found a major illegal capture and sale of Internet users suspected of citizens ' personal information. After investigation, lock the Internet's true identity as a university student Yang. On July 12 the Lanshan police instructors at the Academy, together with the PM and Yang summoned to the public security organs according to law, and from the PC in the seizure of citizens ' personal information was not deleted 10,000 articles. After the case, Yang on its online in collusion with another person confessed the crime of illegal access to personal information for profit.

In November 2016, Lanshan district people's Procuratorate alleged Yang committed a crime of infringement of citizens ' personal information, Lanshan District Court prosecution Court concluded that Yang to illicit access to citizens ' personal information for the purpose of profit, have contravened the criminal law of people's Republic of China, should be punished. Criminal law amendment (I) before implementing that Act by the original charge for the offence of illegal access to personal information, Amendment purposes after correction for the crime of infringement of citizens ' personal information, and the addition of a heavier punishment provisions increased the statutory penalty. Trial of crimes identified Yang implementation time for May 2015 July basis "from the older and lighter" punishment, defendant's Yang conviction and sentencing on charges of illegal access to personal information.

Based on the facts, Lanshan district people's Court recently judgment according to law: the defendant's Yang committed a crime of illegal access to personal information, and sentenced to 6 months and a fine of 20,000 yuan.


Offence of illegal access to personal information:

Refers to the crime of illegal access to personal information stolen or otherwise illegally obtained organs, or finance, telecommunications, transportation, education, health care and other units in the performance of duties or the citizen's personal information obtained in the course of providing services, sale or offering to others, if the circumstances are serious. According to the Penal Code, committed the crime, to three years ' imprisonment or criminal detention, or be fined.

大学生购买十万条私人信息注册支付宝账号,出售牟利,获刑6个月 - 支付宝,隐私 - IT资讯









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