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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/27 8:09:21 Edit(编辑)
Ferrero cat shop suspected consumer fraud: consumer compensation 14256,

Ferrero cat shop suspected consumer fraud: consumer compensation 14256,(费列罗天猫店铺涉嫌消费欺诈:消费者获赔偿14256元,)



Ferrero cat shop suspected consumer fraud: consumer compensation 14256-Ferrero, cat, chocolate-IT information

A few days ago, CCTV reported, people's Court of Chongqing, yuzhong district, Chongqing City, Ms Pang Sue cat Mall shop "Ferrero official flagship store" of consumer fraud cases to a verdict. Courts believe that the shop of domestic chocolate to imitate imported chocolate, constitute consumer fraud, the defendant a pay back three. It is understood that in July 2015, Ms Pang from Ferrero cat Mall official store bought 576 pieces Italian Ferrero chocolate 4 boxes for wedding candy, online publicity said the product is imported.

When Ms Pang after receipt, found that chocolate is purchased by a company in Shanghai, and then complained to the Shanghai industrial and commercial sectors.

In the case of absence of the defendant, the Court conducted a hearing of the case, the Court found that the shop-domestic chocolate to imitate imported chocolate constitutes consumer fraud, according to the PRC consumer protection law 55th judgement sellers take a pay back three, that refund 4752, and three times the compensation payment 14256.

Chongqing yuzhong district people's Court said Chamber Vice President Yan Lili, network platform vendors to provide consumers with the information is biased, not real. Are packaging products, but in the publicity claims to be imported, which constitutes a fraud on consumers. The presiding judge said, in this case did not involve food quality issues, if the food quality itself does not meet the food safety standards for consumers for damage caused to compensation according to the law on food safety in the people's Republic of China.

At present, the case is still in the notice period, if the merchant does not appeal, the decision will come into effect on March 14 this year. Ferrero, the Beijing business today said yesterday, Ferrero cat flagship store of alleged consumer fraud issues, companies are active internal investigation, new information will be released immediately.

费列罗天猫店铺涉嫌消费欺诈:消费者获赔偿14256元 - 费列罗,天猫,巧克力 - IT资讯






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