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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/7/19 7:30:23 Edit(编辑)
Google,Play has become the company’s second camp closed channels

Google,Play has become the company’s second camp closed channels

Google Play into Google's second camp closed channel-Google Play Google app store-IT news Google Play into Google's second camp closed channels

Fortune's Web site on Friday wrote that sold through Google app store Google Play apps, TV shows, e-books, music and games is becoming a big business of technology giants Google. Over the past five years in the Google app store from scratch, has grown from upstart mobile application market for the huge media centre. Google earnings call Thursday, outgoing Chief business officer and joined SOFTBANK's Google nikeshi·aluona (Nikesh Arora), says that apart from the application, Google app store is currently able to the world, with over 1 billion users of Android phones and tablets distribution of digital movies, TV shows and music. Arona, "said Google app store continues to grow at a rapid rate. ”

According to Google's recently released financial reports, the company's second-quarter revenue was 15.96 billion dollars, an increase of 22% in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles, Google's second-quarter net income of $ 3.42 billion, US $ 3.23 billion for the same period last year, an increase of 5.9%. Google does not separately disclosed in the earnings Google app store financial data. But with the steady growth of Google's app store sales data, the business has become second only to Google's second largest business advertising.

With a gradual slowdown in the pace of Google in the online advertising business, to look for alternative sources of revenue Google has become an urgent problem. Marketing and entertainment content to mobile devices, not only make Google's operating system is more appealing to consumers and device makers also were kept happy by Wall Street investors.

Citigroup analyst make·Mei (Mark May) forecasting, Google's app store sales revenue, will increase from $ 1.3 billion in 2013 to 2017 of $ 5.2 billion. Although the data from the Apple iTunes app store published last year far cry from the $ 10 billion in sales, but it cannot be denied is that Android is still accelerating.

Market research firm IDC data show that out of every five of those smart phones in the world at present, nearly four by the Android operating system--a market share nearly twice times the Android market share for three years ago. Meanwhile, Apple iPhone's market share has slipped to 15%.

Some critics argue that, Android not as ornate as iOS, and lack of unity. Android can achieve such results certainly admirable. Android's strength is reflected in customization for handset makers. For example, Amazon's upcoming Smartphone Fire Phone and HTC's "Sense", all with the advantage.

But the operating system's "openness" has created some complications, led to hundreds of thousands of market using all kinds of different versions of the Android operating system for smartphones. Android version of the mobile phone users cannot upgrade the operating system as other users.

But Android's fragmentation and the challenges faced, had failed to stop the operating system becomes the current smartphone market mainstream operating systems. The rise of Google's app store and Google is an important source of revenue, will be able to prove it.

Google app store Google established history of Play may be a little complicated. Google has launched in 2008 called "Android Market" app store. In 2012, the Android Market and Google music (Google Music) are merged and officially changed its name to Google Play.

In June, Google's app store already has 1.5 million apps, more than 1.2 million of Apple's app store. In terms of entertainment, Google app store is currently offering a number of new movies and TV shows, as well as the best-selling e-book, periodical and music. Obviously, Google app store's objectives, is no matter where users are, to have access to a large number of digital content.

Google's Chief Financial Officer, patelike·piqiete (Patrick Pichette), said on a conference call, "application and content" help "other revenues" rose 53% in the second quarter, reaching $ 1.6 billion. Google's other revenues include sales of business services, as well as the Chromebook.

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