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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/27 8:09:20 Edit(编辑)
Courier was interrupted by customer 10 broken ribs, allegedly because a few minutes late,

Courier was interrupted by customer 10 broken ribs, allegedly because a few minutes late,(快递员被客户打断十根肋骨,疑因迟到几分钟,)



Courier was interrupted by customer 10 broken ribs, allegedly because a few minutes late-express delivery, courier, beat-IT information

Thanks to IT the information users guzheng Prince contribution.

On February 24, Weifang city, Shandong province economic development zone, one pass courier in a conflict with the customer were wounded when diagnosed: 10 rib fractures. February 26-pass express informed the official Micro-Blog said, firmly punish the perpetrators according to law through legal means. 27th at noon, branch economic development zone, Weifang City Public Security Bureau Xuanwu station staff to a surging News (www.thepaper.CN), said that the police had investigated this case, perpetrators are still at large.

Weifang city people's Hospital of thoracic surgical cases produced a single show, the injured Lee 9 root fracture of the ribs on the left side, 1 root fracture of the ribs on the right side. The reason for conflict, Lee to the qilu TV reporters, their guess is that their delivery is late for a few minutes.

On February 26, through express company official Micro-Blog reported that according to the "courier", deep anger and hate the company, after the incident, the top spot went to visit condolences to injured employees, Weifang, Shandong, and firmly punish the perpetrators according to law through legal means.

Reported that courier services as a livelihood, work hard to express, hopes the community give more care and understanding, "hope community a little less hostility, more respect. ”

As the surging News went to press, there is no attacker was caught the message. For the specific causes of conflict, East police station said police had investigated this case.

快递员被客户打断十根肋骨,疑因迟到几分钟 - 快递,快递员,打人 - IT资讯

感谢IT资讯网友 古筝王子 投稿。






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