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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/9 6:42:08 Edit(编辑)
Sensor the same why Android phones photo effect generally poor? ,

Sensor the same why Android phones photo effect generally poor? ,

Sensor the same why Android phones photo effect generally poor? -IPhone6, Samsung S6,HTC One M9-IT information

If you have an Android phone, and it's not the latest flagship Samsung Galaxy S6/S6 edge, then the camera is probably not satisfactory. Imagine this scenario: you and your friends at a bar, then friend make some very interesting moves you and those who have iPhone friends took out his mobile phone at the same time. Moments later, took a very good photos of your friends, and your photos are full of all kinds of noise.

Smart-phone camera picture quality is one of the selling points. In March, Apple with its "Shot on iPhone 6" activities kicked off a new round of imaging competitions kicked off Apple subway advertising, posters, and even way of offering micro-site, reminder of the iPhone 6 is the image of a big advantage.

Today, the camera went on to become an important part of consumer purchase decisions. This HTC One M9 release process, keynote speeches beginning, middle to end didn't leave the theme of cell phone cameras. LG is the focus of almost all of its latest flagship LG G4 camera and is equipped with "color spectrum sensors". When Samsung Galaxy S6 last, technology media has been in contrast to S6 and iPhone 60%-like effect.

Considering these improvements to Android phones in the camera, you should think of their cameras have caught up with Apple. But on the real time, and it is not that simple.

Lets talk about sensor, which is part of the cellphone camera hardware's most influential. Sony now for iPhone, G4, Galaxy S6, Nexus 6 and many other mobile phone manufacturers supply a camera sensor. Special manufacturer HTC, it uses Toshiba's 20 million-pixel module, used in this module and Lumia 930 is very similar. Meanwhile, the S6 camera with a lot of praise, and HTC One M9 camera have been technology media and attacked by the user.

Sensors for cell phone use is only half the story. When you take photos when you are finished, the phone will automatically compress RAW to JPEG image data. At that moment, phone makers set to the camera will adjust the brightness, sharpness, and hue, the rest of the data is discarded.

To illustrate this phenomenon, foreign media by HTC recently released "RAW camera application" photos taken to explain, this app will dump all into the sensor image data and stored as RAW file. Because there is no HTC extra processing, shoot RAW images will retain more detail. In this mode, the M9 will also create a JPEG image, as well as a huge RAW files, it is more convenient to our one-on-one comparisons.



By contrast you will find after HTC image looks very fuzzy, details serious loss. So, and HTC One M9 images taken with Lumia 930 of the sensors are almost the same look and how?



It can be seen that even in JPEG file format, Lumia 930 is even more pronounced. Microsoft's image processing algorithms, reducing image noise, and no painting details, colors look better. Like Apple, Nokia will take us seriously this thing and Android manufacturers generally do not.

So, you might ask why not just shoot RAW files and pictures in your own hands? Reason: huge RAW files from taking up storage space, and it takes a long time to write, and some special software is needed to view this file format.

Android phones are equipped with a good camera, but what we need is a better image processing software.

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