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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/26 8:08:21 Edit(编辑)
The Association: water purifiers for heavy metals removal efficiency difference is big,

The Association: water purifiers for heavy metals removal efficiency difference is big,(中消协:净水器对重金属净化效率差别大,)



The Association: Water Purifier for different purification efficiency of heavy metals-water purifiers, Association-IT information

China consumers ' Association 24th launch 40 Water Purifier product comparison reports, involving a total of 22 brands. Reported that samples of effluent quality are in line with China's drinking water requirements, but the purification efficiency of heavy metals, volatile organic compounds and inorganic significant differences.

According to incomplete statistics, Water Purifier manufacturing enterprises in China have more than more than 3,000 types of water purifiers brands and sold in the market up to thousands. The comparison test test 22 General water processor and 18 samples of purified water processor, 18 of which are reverse osmosis pure water sample processor. Test results show samples of effluent quality are in line with China's drinking water requirements, water quality differences of the different types of water purifiers, reverse osmosis water purifiers water contains less material, more pure water. Water filters can remove Organics, inorganic salts and heavy metals and other substances.

You can see from this comparison of test results and General water quality purification ability of the processor for heavy metals is limited. If you need to remove heavy metals, usually will be carried out using a special purification. Removal of heavy metals in water if consumers have special needs, proposals for after-sales technician, via increased filter unit, or other ways to meet the demand. Pure water processors can effectively filter the water of heavy metals.

The Association suggested that buy water purifier is not expensive, good, cheap, affordable. According to the local water source to buy water filter types and quality of performance. In China, Water Purifier industry health permit entry system, only sanitary supervision Department of health licenses before they can go on sale.

中消协:净水器对重金属净化效率差别大 - 净水器,中消协 - IT资讯





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