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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/5 11:12:34 Edit(编辑)
Red light, mobile grenades,

Red light, mobile grenades,(红灯时刻,手机变手雷,)

Red light, mobile grenades-red light, mobile phone-it news Red light, mobile grenades

In order to verify when driving, road junctions parking play cell phone effect on driver safety driving reporters yesterday afternoon and city senior instructors of the police driving school Xiao Xiang, Zhu Wei carried out a field test. Experiments using two smartphones , placed in the front passenger seat, sliding screen will be needed to unlock.

With the popularity of smart phones, the "bow" team growing. Cell phone driving, parking and other light bow when playing mobile phones, also have become the drivers of "smart" thing to do. Forums and on Twitter, from time to time there will be friends "State as evidence", dances to go up to Sun themselves while driving on a mobile phone and even scene of news on the Web.

Yesterday, over more than 10,000 users had nearly 80% admits he will play at the parking light cell phone.

In full swing of "down wind", is likely to add to road congestion, more likely to endanger the driver itself and other vehicles, the safety of personnel. Yesterday, a reporter with the Shanghai Public Security Bureau police vehicle driving training schools (hereinafter "City police traffic school") of senior instructors do experiments together, test results show that driver use when driving the average smart phone takes about 5 seconds, bowing in their mobile phone the moment, wheels had rolled at least 65 m.

Testing: see cell phones

From lock to the back for at least 5 seconds, turn significant track deformation

If there is no special provision, Shanghai urban roads the speed limit is 50 km urban Expressway (overhead), the speed limit is 80 km, the Turnpike speed limit is 120 km. In the test area on the road, was set with a row of Red isolation, distance between the pile and the pile is about 10 meters, test distance of about 150 metres. Instructor, Zhu Wei, respectively at 50 km, 80 km and 120 km from the three speed along straight lines, during which time he picked up the co-pilot position smartphones, answering the telephone, texting and Internet brushed micro-letter such as "bow" attempt.

After repeated testing, driving process, instructors, Zhu Wei picked up the phone and bent her head to unlock the sliding screen, browsing the mobile screen, then put it back in its original location, the time required is approximately 5 seconds while answering a mobile phone out of the pocket or when longer call, this process is extended to 6-10 seconds. "Keep in mind that when looking down on the phone to do this, the wheel is rolling straight! "Detected by Xiao Xiang, when 50 kilometers per hour, play the handset within 5 seconds, driving distance is about 65 m; speed of 80 kilometers, within 5 seconds over approximately 110 m; speed of 120 kilometers, 5 seconds after the vehicle driving range of more than 160 m.

Instructor, Zhu Wei was in the process of turning your cell phone, watch mobile phone testing. Results showed that no matter how good driving skills, spare a few seconds to respond to cell phones, wheel tracks visible deformation. "If you turn left, turn right into distracted when looking at my phone, pedestrians, electric cars as soon as darts out in front, danger suddenly appears. ”


Xiao Xiang introduced, according to international professional evaluation institutions test, in road driving of vehicles and front to keep reasonable distance, "driver to comply with ' two seconds distance code ', that found a fixed of mark property, as tree, and traffic signs, and traffic lights,, current car sailed had this mark Shi, driver heart number '1001', and '1002' Hou only sailed had with a mark, this is security of with car distance. And if it's bad weather conditions (such as rain and snow, fog and haze, frozen) or when the road is bad, two seconds from the code of practice is to be extended to three seconds, five seconds, four seconds or even longer ".

If while driving down to play with the phone, the pilot's attention is dispersed, a direct consequence of reasonable distance cannot be proved. If for any reason the emergency braking, deceleration, play cell phone driver cannot be detected in the first time, make the right judgment and take the appropriate measures the speed is much slower, so it is easy to rear in front.

Xiao Xiang also pointed out that another security breach: "playing phone while driving are often proficient driver, they will find his speed down, may feel relatively safe. It is for this reason, tend to get slow-moving vehicles on the road. Behind the vehicles as soon as unbearable, and will often take the lane changing measures. This will affect the normal operation of more than one lane, rear vehicle scuffing, possibilities will increase considerably. ”

Test II: red cell phone

Pick up reading newspapers, lights started slowly for at least 1 second

Yesterday 14 o'clock, chunshen road, Hu Min Gong road intersection. Located in Hu-Min Gong traffic lights on the road about 80 seconds interval. 4 tests, 80 seconds of time, Hu Min Gonglu for one-way northbound traffic for about 20 cars.

80 seconds, chunshen road vehicles to the West line to beat the waiting vehicles in the two-lane road about 30 cars. This time, drivers are doing what? Reporters saw some drivers carry a cell phone to his ear, answer or make a call; drivers even to place mobile phone at the wheel, "thumb" movement shuaping; others took up position next to the newspaper reading; some people eat; people looking out of the window.

Discovery red into green, drivers have to lay down their cell phones or debris, and start vehicle. During this period, individual pilots slow the beat, the car moved slowly, behind the vehicles violate crimping, head beyond the slow-walking.


If the driver is not distracted cell phone, eyes red light, green light comes on, the first time the launch vehicle, the process is approximately 1-1.5 seconds. And if it's "bow", put the still having fun enjoying the phone, and then to see the road ahead, launch vehicles, the process will be extended to 2.5 seconds or even longer.

Xiao Xiang explained: "do not underestimate this 1 second, Pai Tau vehicles drivers are cell phones, if, when you start the vehicle is slow a little, it affects the entire driveway vehicle pass rate. A lamp to 20, only 15. The negative effects of this behaviour, traffic speeds will slow down the crossing, adding to traffic jams of the city. "In addition, because of the distraction phone, rush started vehicles can easily" Kiss "approached the car, or with other lanes to speed up, rubbed road vehicles.

[Network quickly]

The "red phone" tens of per cent of nearly 80%

This past December 2 is the national road safety day, on the theme "rejection of traffic practices, safe and civilized travel". In the newest survey "most hated top ten transportation habits", get a cell phone. "The cell phone when you drive it? "Random online news yesterday interviewed nearly 20 car, 7 car over 5 years old drivers admits to" have this bad habit ", of which 4 admitted to high speed, speed of over 100 miles when making or answering the phone, perhaps a" sneak "QQ on the ground. "To do so, is it safe? "Driving mileage over 150,000 kilometres of white-collar slightly proud to answer Mr LAU:" know it was suspended, but my driving pass, out of business. ”

According to the forums and Twitter sharing, driver braked the car at the intersection when the red light and mobile interaction is quite popular. When-15 o'clock yesterday, morning news and network port Dickson launched an online transfer: "your parking lights playing cellphone yet." Users involved in enthusiastic, received a total of more than 10,000 ballots over within just a few hours. Surprised the journalists is, 77% of users indicated that they would play phone. In accordance with the voting, everyone in the Park prefer to use a mobile phone while "seven things", followed by watching the news, talk about micro letters, phone calls, texting, QQ, brush on microblogging and video games.


Easy phone free on is likely to make big

In the age of social networking, mobile phone has become personal. For the driver, however, such as the improper use of mobile phones, cell phone in the cab drivers sometimes pose a considerable risk, believe it and it turned into trouble "grenade".

Xiao Xiang reminded, in order to ensure traffic safety, the driver should resolve to break away from playing while driving cell phone, road junctions parking phone traffic habits. In addition, he suggested that must carry a cell phone in the car the safest corner. "A lot of people used to put the phone in the most comfortable, easiest to take place, such as storage boxes, storage tank of the vehicles left the front door; someone answering the phone when you are finished using a mobile phone, will be used to put the cell phone away above the steering wheel, keep driving. In emergency braking on vehicles, misplacing mobile phones may be dropped at the foot of the driver, card under the brakes and accelerator pedals, or get stuck in a connecting parts of the steering wheel ... ... This will seriously affect normal driving, resulting in devastating consequences, or even the car crash. "Xiao Xiang suggested that while driving the driver must be fixed cell phone in a safe place, had better be mute; be sure to maintain a smooth flow of mobile communications, we recommend you search the Bluetooth hands-free devices.

[User selected "top ten traffic habits of hate"]

1, drove through a red light yellow light to grab;

2, no courtesy of motor vehicles crossing;

3, motor vehicle changed lanes;

In sequence 4, motor vehicle doesn't line up;

5, parking effects of passage;

6, to get a cell phone;

7, abusing high beams at night;

8, in our grudge car;

9, driving, jaywalking;

10, minor incidents with unpleasant withdrawal site.


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