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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/26 8:08:12 Edit(编辑)
Girl stumbled into MLM organization, her boyfriend by phone to save it,

Girl stumbled into MLM organization, her boyfriend by phone to save it,(女生误入传销组织,男友凭手机定位将其解救,)



Girls into a pyramid, boyfriend by phone the rescue-pyramid schemes, multilevel marketing, a phone-IT news

The morning of February 21, taihe town, Baiyun district, Guangzhou North Road near a residential building in the small ice (not his real name) using mobile phone positioning, strayed into MLM organization, lost four days of his girlfriend rescued. Will be back in time to four days ago, Li Jingwen anticipation should be high school seniors, at the invitation of taihe town to interview. She did not think themselves as MLM organizations fall into the trap. Good news is, she remembered her boyfriend reminded, sleep with one eye open, cell phones confiscated letter issued last-minute micro-positioning, it has also become her boyfriend rescued an important clue.

These days, his girlfriend Li Jingwen, together with other more than 10 people have been locked up in a small house with less than 20 square meters, not going out, cell phones were confiscated, regularly received "training".

11:7, micro positioning from small ice girlfriend--taihe town, Baiyun district, North Road and the garden, 100 meters away. He does not know it is his girlfriend's cell phone was snatched away before issued a distress signal, but with a sixth sense, this is the place where girlfriends are trapped. From then on, he never talked to his girlfriend on the phone calls, the girlfriend information, were later found to marketing "leader" interference.

Spent a night of torment, the morning of 2nd and Kimi went too and looking for his girlfriend. The company to his girlfriend, he learned that the other party has not received a man named Li Jingwen.

He first lived in taihe town down, positioned near the camp and called on relatives and friends in his girlfriend, and to search for traces of marketing personnel.

One morning more than 6 points, Li Jingwen's brother saw two out of a building, and another by a person standing in front of the building guard, look alert. Perceive is wrong, and they followed, and eventually to Li Jingwen trapped in room 501. Song was heard inside the door. "Students" is singing an earlier song.

Did not understand the situation inside, small ice five is unruffled and went downstairs to discuss countermeasures. But MLM people have "anti-reconnaissance" consciousness, followed them all the way. Five people scattered.

However, the five-man's actions have alarmed the room 501. "A man answered the phone, let us go. "Lijingwenzheng would like to take this opportunity to escape, but just down, saw a brother.

In this way, Li Jingwen was rescued.

女生误入传销组织,男友凭手机定位将其解救 - 传销分子,传销,手机定位 - IT资讯










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