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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/18 8:36:09 Edit(编辑)
Subtitling group is a “volunteer“ or “thief“? ,

Subtitling group is a “volunteer“ or “thief“? ,(字幕组是“义工”,还是“小偷”?,)

Subtitling group is a "volunteer" or "thief"?
-Drama-IT information Subtitling group is a "volunteer" or "thief"?

Recently, a self-study of six foreign languages, "great God-class" young men Xiao Liu due to low pricing on the Internet its own translations of foreign films to burn disk, was sentenced by the Court. The case will be "subtitle group" the low-key and mysterious by the groups to the fore.

They are unpaid volunteers who committed to cultural diffusion, or steal foreign cultural work around copyright infringement? There has been growing awareness of intellectual property protection today, the marquee group and where?

"Ancient has a Xuanzang, he found Sutra among has many translation errors, also has many Sutra missing, so group visiting India handling original Sutra, returned to Tang Hou personally translation, and spread, was has legend journey to under; modern some people, they found movie subtitles in the has many translation errors, also has many large is not introduced released, so group visiting abroad website handling original tablets source, download Hou themselves translation, and spread, rivers and Lakes asserts that ' subtitles group '. " This is a definition of circulating on the network subtitles group.

Subtitling group when origin in China is in no position to textual criticism. In early 21st century, with the popularity of the Web, more and more people find European and American movies, anime, TV shows, and so a number of excellent video resources but suffers from limited foreign language proficiency, unable to appreciate. Faced with this demand, the marquee group came into being. More and more film and video translation through subtitles group entered China in Europe and America, and caused a wave of Opera craze.

"We are usually based on user demand, recording in a foreign country, or downloaded from the network source and subtitling groups of people gather online, Division of labor, translation, proofreading, pressing, released, members perform their respective duties, only purpose is to make a new film for the first time of Chinese characters, go on the Internet for everyone to share. "In real life, is a chef, in some anime subtitling group is responsible for the timeline of" little brother "presentation.

At present, not only European and American TV dramas, including the Japan animation, Korea arts and video resources, including foreign universities open courses, translation through subtitles group appears on the network. Many netizens called Avid Marquee group "culture" and "preacher of knowledge in the Internet era".

Although friends rush into, but the vast majority of subtitling groups do not get any remuneration. Within the circle of the marquee group, public service-is the vast majority of subtitling groups adhere to the major principle. Subtitles Group staff are with a taste for the translation or the show itself, and spend their free time engaged in related work.

This reporter learned that, a long 24-minute cartoon, translation is generally required 3 hours, proof-1 hour, production timeline 1 hour, pressing for 40 minutes, producing finished products require 5-7 hours. "Sometimes new play meet in the night to update, we will set the alarm clock, got up in the Middle, until dawn. "" Little brother "said.

Marquee group in the eyes of Internet users is selflessly heroes, reality has been plagued by copyright issues.

Most subtitles group members agree, so long as the principle of public service, not profit, there would be no legal problems. Subtitle translation set of works, also has "this works only for personal learning, please delete within 24 hours after downloading" disclaimers, but strictly from a legal analysis, these measures are not really "disclaimer".

Legal profession generally felt that the marquee group without authorization by the copyright, open sharing of video content is hard to reference in the copyright law "fair use" as a ground for exemption, especially in a number of films there are subtitles add advertising, which undoubtedly constitute acts of infringement. But from the perspective of business practice, copyright essential on the sources focus on the fight against piracy, high tolerance for subtitles for piracy.

With China's increased to combat online piracy and subtitled the rise of video sites, hot subtitles group for many years cooling.

Zhongguancun, Beijing Academy of intellectual property strategy Ma Yide he said in an interview with Xinhua, to combating online infringement, Governments should direct download resource transformation, develop new profit model, complete informal Web site moving to a regular army.

However, there are many netizens hate to these lovely subtitles group "regularized", "making people laugh-spray ' Holy title ', has become an essential element in network dramas, once returned to orthodoxy, these fun probably will cease to exist. "Senior US fans say.


字幕组是“义工”,还是“小偷”? - 字幕组 - IT资讯
















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