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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/18 22:43:16 Edit(编辑)
Second generation to sue for compensation for victims of nuclear explosion in Hiroshima, Japan: living in fear,

Second generation to sue for compensation for victims of nuclear explosion in Hiroshima, Japan: living in fear,(日本广岛核爆受害者第二代起诉国家赔偿:称活在恐惧中,)



Second generation to sue for compensation for victims of nuclear explosion in Hiroshima, Japan: living in fear-bomb, atomic bomb, Japan's surrender-IT information

According to Japan's Kyodo News reported on February 17, 22 "nuclear explosion victim second" 17th to the Hiroshima District Court, to neglect of second generation implementation of assistance to countries in violation of the Constitution guarantees the right to the pursuit of happiness for the claims for State compensation per person per 100,000 yen (about 6070 Yuan). These parents suffered bomb damage in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Plaintiffs said that This is about the effects of nuclear explosions for the second generation lawsuit . Aims through litigation, emphasizing parents suffer health effects of nuclear explosions for the second generation, now to the exclusion of the second generation of the Hibakusha Assistance Act can apply.

Indictments pointed out that, while the State does not recognize the parents suffer from nuclear explosions have hereditary effects on offspring, but pointed out that there is, you cannot deny the possibility. Plaintiffs said that when their feelings may be the incidence of risk live and anxious, States have an obligation to bring them into assistance.

After the lawsuit at a press conference that "China's second generation of nuclear explosion victim liaison agreements" Sakiyama, President of rose says: "a historic step. Hope through the trials seeking assistance from the second generation. ”

MHLW bomb blast victims assistance measures "have not received the indictment, so no comment now." Bomb victims in Nagasaki the second generation 20th to the Nagasaki District Court.

According to Xinhua News Agency information during World War II the United States on August 6, 1945 and 9th respectively in Japan dropped an atomic bomb, killing 74,000 to 130,000 people dead, the vast majority of the dead were civilians . Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the only war in human history subjected to nuclear attack in the city.

Bomb release accelerates the surrender of Japan. On August 15, 1945, Japan announced unconditional surrender, signed on September 2, surrender. The second world war ended.

日本广岛核爆受害者第二代起诉国家赔偿:称活在恐惧中 - 核弹,原子弹,日本投降 - IT资讯








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