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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/28 6:05:23 Edit(编辑)
Telecom 4G Internet exposure: 4881.8KB meters per second, most cattle?

Telecom 4G Internet exposure: 4881.8KB meters per second, most cattle?(电信4G网速曝光:4881.8KB每秒,国内最牛?)

Telecom 4G Internet exposure: 4881.8KB meters per second, most cattle?
-4G Telecom iPhone,iPhone Telecom-IT information Telecom 4G Internet exposure: 4881.8KB/s the most cattle?

Compared to mobile and Unicom, Telecom their CDMA network to transition to 4G era can be said to be even more difficult, since 4G after the licence is issued, telecommunications has been in a State of silence, almost did not express his own views on 4G. But that silence does not mean Telecom did not begin operations from @PCINLIFE official Twitter exposure picture, Telecom 4G network are also being tested and customized version of the iPhone seems to have emerged.

@PCINLIFE picture of the exposure apparently came from an iPhone with its upper-left corner of the LTE network operators appear to China Telecom. Specific speed, tested latency of 14ms, download speed: 4881.8KB/s (about 40MBPs), upload speed: 3475.4KB/s (28Mbps), compared to the speed of TD-LTE network 100Mbps speed there is a certain gap between the theory, but in real-world testing to achieve this kind of speed were easy.

In addition @PCINLIFE also said Telecom its own fixed-line broadband advantage in the 4G era, can be the perfect embodiment of its 4G network 4G network is likely to become the most cattle.


电信4G网速曝光:4881.8KB每秒,国内最牛? - 4G,电信iPhone,iPhone,电信 - IT资讯





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