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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/18 22:43:05 Edit(编辑)
China mobile payment leading the global: Uncle sells baked sweet potato with QR code collection,

China mobile payment leading the global: Uncle sells baked sweet potato with QR code collection,(中国移动支付领跑全球:卖烤红薯大叔都用二维码收款,)



China mobile payment leading the global: Uncle sells baked sweet potato with QR payment-mobile payment, QR-IT information

"Uncle sells baked sweet potato with QR code collection, I want to keep up with domestic trends! "China's streets and popular mobile payment, make some time and studying in the United States, Chen Yu feel fresh. Her feelings, reflecting the heat differences in mobile payments in China and overseas. According to research firm iResearch estimates that in 2016, the scale of third-party mobile payment in China more than twice times, up to 38 trillion yuan (US $5.5 trillion). According to Forrester Research, US mobile payments growth for the year is 39%, at $112 billion.

The size of the market leading global

Nielsen data shows that worldwide, mobile digital payment accounted for almost half of non-cash payments, up to 43%. Country-based user survey, 86% of China consumers ' use and reliable mobile payments, the proportion is far ahead of other countries.

Late last year, released 2016, the China Association of payment and clearing of mobile payment user survey. Reports indicate that in 2016, 22.8% mobile payment users use every day, using user up to about 60% a week.

IResearch analyst Li Zhefeng analysis to reporters, China mobile payment before and after 2011, experience the process of gradually improving and expanding. First stage of online consumer-led second stage into financial services such as balance treasure third stage is becoming a trend from last year's line of consumer and payment. "China market services to the Internet and a large number of e-commerce Marketing, led to the development of mobile payment, promoting the diversification of its function. "Li Zhefeng said.

"The mobile phone as a medium to bring unprecedented convenience of payment, also gave birth to a wide range of space and the needs of the market. China is in product innovation in other countries before, of mobile payment in Chinese consumer promotion and acceptance are also relatively high. "Noble, Associate Professor School of international business and Economics and finance analysis to the reporter.

Micro-payments predominate

Mobile payments went into the streets of the small business, is the embodiment of its unique advantages at the micropayments.

2016 of mobile payment user survey showed that in 2016, 77.25% every time a user pays the amount below 100 Yuan, 18.8% every time a user pays the amount in 100-500, micro-payment accounted for absolute weight.

Corresponding to the characteristics of this micro-payment are paid daily and common people. In 2016, the users most commonly used barcode payment scenarios for supermarkets or convenience stores, accounted for 47.7%, followed by restaurants, accounted for 23%, vending machine and cinema respectively 17.1% and 16.9% per cent.

This feature of mobile payment, small business more convenient. According to iResearch, the third quarter of last year, about 60% mobile payment is based on person-to-person (P2P) transfer form, part of which is yet to open a commercial account of small and micro businesses.

"Mobile payments in the small and micro enterprise promotion very rapidly. Without red tape and barriers, and able to accelerate the flow of business, improve efficiency, are complementary to the traditional financial institutions provide payment services, has obvious characteristics of market segmentation. , "Noble said.

More balanced urban and rural development

Different and new things in the past in the city hotter, mobile payments is not an obvious difference between town and country.

Data show that in 2016, the county seat of mobile payment user, accounted for 19.6%; second, the provincial capital, accounted for 19% in rural areas, third, accounted for 17%, followed by cities, municipalities and towns.

In this regard, noble says, "relatively small rural financial services, and mobile payments make up for that gap very well. Unlike credit card required credit assessment threshold, open mobile payments to almost all. Mobile penetration is already high in rural areas, by using the mobile phone as media mobile payments are also popular. Can use Internet banking platform in the future, the development of more financial and wealth management products to meet farmer demand, which is the potential direction of solving problems of rural financial services. ”

Li Zhefeng said: "the rapid rise in China mobile payment transaction size, will continue in the future, the degree of industry norms will continue to strengthen. Addition of other subjects such as Bank, will enhance the perfection of the rules of the game and rich formats. ”

中国移动支付领跑全球:卖烤红薯大叔都用二维码收款 - 移动支付,二维码 - IT资讯


















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