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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/14 8:25:51 Edit(编辑)
Foreign Media: on the scale of mobile payment in China last year was 50 times of the United States,

Foreign Media: on the scale of mobile payment in China last year was 50 times of the United States,(外媒:论移动支付规模,去年中国是美国50倍,)



Foreign Media: on the scale of mobile payment in China last year was 50 times of the United States-mobile payment, mobile payment-IT information

UK on February 14, the financial times published an article entitled ' than China, mobile payments market in the United States appear to be dwarf article. Articles reference has Eric Advisory and Forrester Research two home advisory company respectively for China and American two mobile paid market of research report data, said mobile paid 2016 of scale about for American earlier of 50 times times, and this a disparity compared also description, China of Internet company is to financial technology ecological system punches, and on "snake playing seven inch", not only occupy has this a subdivision market of global led status, also seems to found has Internet financial development of right channel.

Reports that China mobile payment to such vibrant, mainly because of online shopping and the explosive growth of the Internet financial services; and the prosperity of the industry not only made China's Internet giant to earn big bucks, but also enables them to acquire valuable user data.

Compared with developed countries, China's relatively low credit card penetration, and other cumbersome payment methods to make features highlights of the QR payment convenience, coupled with the giant platform boost mobile payments usher in a period of rapid development.

? The financial times Web site screenshot

Following is the FT's original text:

Market data show that in 2016, China Mobile's pay scale of about 50 times in the United States, suggesting that Chinese Internet companies, which are considered "leading to financial technology ecosystem way" market segment, occupying a strong dominant position.

The rise of the mobile payment market, is based on online shopping and Internet financial services (such as peer to peer loans and online money market fund) is based on the explosion. In China, more than half of all mutual funds are sold online, in 2012, the proportion is only 5%.

Entities last year retailers (including supermarkets, restaurants and shopping malls) turning point in the use of online payment. In January 2017, Starbucks announced its coffee shops began to accept micro payments. At the same time, and in 2016, the online to offline the strong growth of the mobile payment services on the Internet, for example to share travel and food Express application, users of the Internet platform and down payment, online access to goods and services.

"Digital payment platform is still a financial technology infrastructure a key component of and, in addition, it is also an important source of business and financial data, and paid the company to build a new financial technology platform, providing consumers with the products and services are widely used. "A headquarters in Shanghai, the financial technology consulting company called Kapronasia Chairman Zennon Kapron said.

According to iResearch estimates in 2016, the market for third-party mobile payment in China grew more than three times, to 38 trillion yuan (about 5.5 trillion u.s. dollars). The market currently is dominated by Alibaba Group's Ant-gold suit dominated and owned by Tencent tenpay (micro-payments).

▲ Chinese and American mobile payments market size comparison: about 50 times in the United States, China Times

According to the global consulting firm Forrester Research estimates that in 2016, the mobile payments market in the United States grew by 39%, to $112 billion. In the United States, mobile payments market is mainly vested in Apple, Google, Samsung, and PayPal Mobile Internet giant hands.

In the field of mobile payments in China is far ahead of the United States, one of the important reasons is consumers lack other options can make non-cash payments. Compared with developed countries, China's relatively low credit card penetration, and use a debit card to pay a relatively trouble-usually require SMS verification, USB dongle and random password generator combinations. By contrast, micro-payment PayPal or more simplified, only need to scan from the retailer's terminal or Smartphone QR code.

"China rapidly spread nearly end pay, to a large extent based on the late-developing advantage--with the United States and other countries and regions, China does not have strong credit culture. And because of this, China has directly from the cash phase jumps to the mobile phase, "market research firm eMarketer said in a research report.

In addition to other than direct income from fees, Alibaba and Tencent China mobile payment market will be available so that they can be used in everything from credit rating, targeted advertising to product development of all valuable user data.

However, China mobile payment with such eye-catching trade value, it reflected from the other side, payments do not necessarily need to be fully in line with the real socio-economic situation.

For example, during the recent lunar new year holiday, among friends and relatives tend to "lucky number" trading "red envelope", for example, 88 (in the good fortune in Chinese meaning), 520 (sounds like "I'm in love with you").

While the envelopes are actually cash gifts, but they are being used as a more social way, and you are likely to receive red envelopes sent to each other is the same with you.

In addition, according to iResearch survey, third quarter of 2016, about 60% mobile payment is a transfer between individual and personal, of course, there are some small business without setting up a business account.

"This Holiday Inn is just a beginning of the game, but a few users are used to cultivate the Chinese new year, at present, has become an everyday event send and receive mobile payments red packets", analyst at iResearch in Beijing Li Zhefeng (voice) says, "in the past, people used bank cards to transfer funds, now, these transactions have been unstoppable, turning to the mobile phone. ”

In addition to the size of the market outside China also beat the United States in growth of mobile payments.

Forrester predicted that by 2019, the total payment will be 2015 2.6 times in the United States; and according to iResearch, China, meanwhile, payments will increase 7.4 times.

In the United States, online retailers remain the biggest engine of growth for the United States market, rather than the pay in Europe, due to near-field communication technology (NFC) the popularity of this payment is clearly more popular than QR payment (on a chip reader, cleaning the phone).

According to Forrester, said, by the end of 2016, and more than half of us retailers surveyed said they have installed or will install the NFC Terminal.

However, change ingrained spending habits is a huge challenge. Forrester described the payments in the United States in his report: "old habits are hard to disappear at the checkout counter, people are more willing to take out a credit card to pay, rather than take out cell phones to scan a scan. ”

外媒:论移动支付规模,去年中国是美国50倍 - 移动支付,手机支付 - IT资讯

英国《金融时报》于2月14日发表了一篇题为《相比于中国,美国的移动支付市场看上去像是侏儒》的文章。文章引用了艾瑞咨询和Forrester Research两家咨询公司分别针对中国和美国两国移动支付市场的研究报告数据,称中国移动支付2016年的规模大约为美国同期的50倍,而这一悬殊对比也说明,中国的互联网公司正在向金融科技生态系统发力,并就此“蛇打七寸”,不仅占据了这一细分市场的全球主导地位,还似乎找到了互联网金融发展的正确通道。








“数字支付平台目前仍然是中国金融科技基础设施建设的一项关键内容,此外,它还是交易和金融数据的重要来源,并在支付公司搭建新的金融科技平台、为消费者提供产品服务时被广泛应用。”一家总部在上海、名为Kapronasia的金融科技咨询公司董事长Zennon Kapron如是说。



据全球咨询公司Forrester Research估算,2016年,美国的移动支付市场规模增长了39%,至1120亿美元。在美国,移动支付市场主要掌握在苹果谷歌三星以及PayPal等移动互联网巨头手中。














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