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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/14 9:13:59 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft: games Windows platform of choice for the holiday period,

Microsoft: games Windows platform of choice for the holiday period,

Microsoft: game developers choice during the holidays-Windows platform games, appstore, Microsoft, Win10-IT information
Microsoft: holiday development preferred Windows games platform

IT the information Microsoft is trying to make it easy for developers to create applications that include Windows desktop and Windows Phone two app store platform. Meanwhile, Microsoft has tried to persuade the developers during the Christmas holidays, developing and migrating applications more games.

Microsoft says that developing games applications over the holidays would be the best choice. As compared to the usual holiday during the application development platform of Windows desktops, as well as WP, can obtain up to 2.5 times more than double the revenue. For any device and any platform, regardless of game categories, when users were also concerned and for developers, the game is also the highest-paid category. Microsoft will also introduce a lot of gift cards and other, further enhance consumer enthusiasm for buying the game.

Meanwhile, Microsoft also adopted the Doodle jump as well as two of the intruders in the cloud game, details in Microsoft Windows or on the WP platform for game developers, will receive significant revenues and a large number of user groups, above the two games are ease of playing on desktop computers, mobile phones and tablet computers. Microsoft also said their relationship now with game developers, already starting from the individual to the group change, Microsoft will also make efforts to build a better Win10 game platform .

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