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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/14 8:25:46 Edit(编辑)
Broadcasting “pornographic“, into a dead end,

Broadcasting “pornographic“, into a dead end,(直播变“色情”,走进了死胡同,)



Broadcasting "pornographic", into a dead end-live-IT information

The Southern Metropolis daily yesterday revealed a secret underground world broadcast platform, not only anchors were hitting arc of spin-off share QQ Group, gambling, fraud and other acts. Today, reportedly involved a yellow live platform has stopped.

According to incomplete statistics, by the end of 2016, the webcast platform in China has nearly 300 live users numbers more than 240 million people, including adolescents. Earning popularity, attracted interest of temptation, when broadcasting became "pornography" is not only the pollution of the Internet platform, but will cause physical and psychological harm to young people. For such a new thing network, something which must be eradicated.

It was reported that many underground yellow-live platform and anchorwoman to escape the regulatory implications, every week or two will replace the name and platform, which increases the difficulty of supervision. But the Internet is not outside the law, after all, China has introduced the Internet broadcast services regulation, in recent years the live platform has its action against violations. Face of invisibility and camouflage, as long as serious, there is no "indestructible cockroach".

On one hand, should further improve the host identity audit and information content audit mechanisms, the establishment of "blacklist" system for colored hearts live no place to hide.

Moreover, enhanced regulation of the live platform. From the reports, Huang involved live behind is the regular company, part of the formal platform on "pornographic" Guide. They should become the focus of culture, public security departments control objectives.

Today, the broadcast industry content homogenization of serious, causing part of the platform to the pulp cycle of profit. But practitioners should bear in mind, drills break morality and law, did not bring him the chance, if it fails to step up its restructuring, by regulators, "sword", and being rejected by audiences, is just a matter of time.

直播变“色情”,走进了死胡同 - 网络直播 - IT资讯







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