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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/13 12:02:56 Edit(编辑)
Pupils for 5 seconds to unlock the shared bicycle, parent: I don’t know where to learn,

Pupils for 5 seconds to unlock the shared bicycle, parent: I don’t know where to learn,(小学生5秒解锁共享单车,家长:不知道从哪学的,)



Pupils for 5 seconds to unlock the shared bicycles, parents: don't know where to learn-share cycle, pupils-IT information

11-mo (a pseudonym) in the community about, eyes looked at the wall, the corridor where shared bicycles, carport which easily occur. Found a car, you have found one of the "treasures" – as long as the horse on the number lock, using only 5 seconds to open. This is not his "unique skills", and boys of his age have mastered this technique.

Subsequently, the Chengdu commercial daily contacted stakeholders that share the bike company, the other side says, children open car is "car", originally appeared as a test version, is designed to allow you to experience this cycling model, in terms of locks and without much thought, using a mechanical lock. Later when a problem is found, we have begun to gradually equipped with the second generation of intelligent code lock, now on the market are recycled generation car.

"Learning" little cousin face to unlock cheats

Winter vacation from Chengdu back to aiming their hometown, maomao hometown friend told City News, the most interesting is the street bike in the city, Xiao Huang car, red car, blue car, small ... ... Wide range, as long as there is a cell phone, will be able to ride away.

"HA HA! "And his little cousin Cong for the same year, also in Chengdu five-grade, hear a look of disdain. Maomao hurriedly "fools", Cong has long mastered the secret of free riding skill.

Cong Chiang contracted tuberculosis, plush, listen carefully, and also give it a try after going back to Chengdu. "On February 8 he taught me, my ' master '. 12th "Chiu told Chengdu business daily reporters, upon his return to Chengdu, according to Cong's method, opened 20 shared bike, always open. "Of course, not row scan codes to unlock, the code lock must be a number."

(Kids show how to turn a generation of yongan row share a bicycle lock)

Cong told Mao Mao, tips are not complicated, these digital keypad lock password is not changed, after the repeated use, those figures will have loose, just pressing the unlock switch, it figures will vibrate, although very small, but carefully, 4 password figure is a very good read.

"Clicking" for 5 seconds let bicycle unlocked

Community who lives in Jinjiang road, plush wing downstairs, one step cycles, thanks to cycling, OFO yellow car sharing, cycling, aisle within the community, outside the community next to the shop, is not difficult to see the bike. Mao Mao Rong on newly acquired "skills" into the fan, see downstairs to unlock the car, fiddling with the password, lock and locked after the meeting.

"Clicking"! A snapping, plush look standing next to adults, a face of pride. On February 12, the Chengdu business daily journalist found "to unlock King" maomao, followed him to the area looking for a bike with try to do. "No, sweeping yards! "Standing 20 meters away, the chubby child gave up the goal.

"Blue Blue car is not open in the deep, red motorcycle thanks to the bike too. "He pointed to the bike in front of a blue and yellow," that should be ".

Maomao did not download the shared bicycle APP, let alone binding bank cards for payment, the entire "empty glove White Wolf". Find a wing line bike, I saw a digital keypad lock, he knew that "game".

"HA HA! "He immediately knelt on the ground, creeping on the rear wheel, hand stretched forth to not lock ring start to unlock. Left hand on the lock plate, right hand kept pressing the switch password, 10 digits on the eyes tightly against the pan.

While watching, while according to the above figures, 5 seconds at a time, he has been out of the 4 numbers. "Seal! "A loose his hand, and press the Unlock button, lock ring open. In the Chengdu business daily reporter witnessed by him, which unlock the four shared bike.

"Open" many children, I do not know who

On February 12 this afternoon, plush with Chengdu business newspaper to find "the master" Cong. Cong fine on the shop at home, mainly engaged in second-hand electrical appliances in the home. Along the way, Mao Mao Jinjiang Avenue on both sides of the shared bicycle "glitch".

"The car's solar panels in the basket, and GPS in the lug. "Next to a fluffy sees a variable share bike, immediately said," this car was damaged the most, spare parts and other vehicle because it must match. "Chengdu business daily reporters see, and sure enough, this bike is on the side of not less chain is less seats.

To the secondary market, "the master" Cong was already out, and did not stay on the rack. Said child to share a bike lock it, Cong's mother Lady memory is clear, "he told me on the way home before the Spring Festival to show off, ' MOM, I rode the bike without having to phone '. "Summer Lady," and casually says, hurry up...... "

Her voice still declining, "clicking"! Lock has been opened. She hurried to frighten children, "go home, go after unlocking, carefully caught will be fined. ”

However, this does not scare children. "Strategies for the second-hand market, and his kids will unlock, don't know with who. "For children to acquire the skills, the summer Lady is not recognized, she shakes her head," the head is flexible, is not to study, fraud. ”

Cycling company response

Product hardware and software upgrade lock are withdrawn from the market

Vulnerabilities were discovered and spread by a group of primary school students, shared bicycle company is also noted. "Are now automatically opened, our hardware and software products are being progressively upgraded. "12th, Chengdu business daily shared bicycle company staff contacted the wing line, Mr Zhang said that, now the second generation locks have been gradually replaced the original locks, at the same time, these shared bicycles are also used by children under 12 years of age are not allowed, in the software authentication, they cannot be certified successfully.

"Are the children of generation is open, the lock is a mechanical lock, now widely used second generation car, are intelligent combination lock. "Step cycling officials said Mr Lin, now a bicycle market in Chengdu, two cars exist, but in gradual recovery, does not make a new release. "Using the scan code unlocking experience better, easy to use, the key is not easy to open".

Mr Lin, first generation is a test version, is designed to allow you to experience this cycling mode, "but does not take into account the lock problem. "Lock found loopholes, companies have started recycling generation, now on the market to see the step cycle is basically scanning code to unlock the car. "Technology is constantly updated, there will be more in the future."

小学生5秒解锁共享单车,家长:不知道从哪学的 - 共享单车,小学生 - IT资讯



























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