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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/10 11:09:43 Edit(编辑)
Wanted by the Chinese Ministry of public security all 10 major snatch theft suspect caught

Wanted by the Chinese Ministry of public security all 10 major snatch theft suspect caught(中国公安部通缉的10名重大盗抢骗犯罪嫌疑人全部落网,)



China wanted all 10 major snatch theft suspect arrested-the Chinese Ministry of public security-IT information

10th learned from the Chinese Ministry of public security, Ministry of public security class a warrants open wanted Zhu Yanhui recently surrendered to the Henan provincial public security organs. At this point, wanted by the Chinese Ministry of public security issued on December 13, 2016 class a warrants open 10 major snatch theft crime fugitives have been arrested.

It is understood that wanted 10 major snatch theft crime fugitives, respectively, Yin Qun monks, Yin Qunwei, and Ji Keer Qu, Wei Haien, shamaanian, and Zhu Yanhui, Tian Zhengfeng, Huang Aimin, Los multi drop measures, Hao Xing.

The arrest of the suspects Zhu Yanhui, male, Han nationality, was born in 1982 in Fuyang city, Anhui Province, people. Zhu Yanhui with others, prior premeditation, driving a black Passat lingyu car multiple flows to Anhui and Henan province, counties, trailing track bank personnel, while the victim got off at the money unattended, window prised pieces of victims, victims of stolen cash placed in car, involving up to more than 1 million Yuan.

According to reports, China's public security organs will continue to snatch theft crime fugitives organizations capture, hope all sectors of society and the masses provide clues, and report and expose theft fraud and other criminal activity. Informants to provide clues or expose crime of workers, the public security organs will be awarded.

中国公安部通缉的10名重大盗抢骗犯罪嫌疑人全部落网 - 中国公安部 - IT资讯





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