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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/7 2:19:16 Edit(编辑)
Japanese pervert really much? Secret Japan mobile phone cannot silence the truth,

Japanese pervert really much? Secret Japan mobile phone cannot silence the truth,(真的因为日本变态多吗?揭秘日本手机拍照无法静音的真相,)



Japanese pervert really much? Secret Japan mobile phone unable to mute the mute truth-photos-IT information

Href = "" target= "_blank" February 7 >IT information buy Japanese version knows that, whether it is
Href = "" target= "_blank" >iPhone is Sony mobile phone, as long as the Japan model to be sold, taking pictures is not mute, but the problem does not exist in most countries around the world, why should Japan mobile phone must have a shutter sound? Because people have been circulated, Japan Society "pervert", photographed by the specialized women's skirts, and so on, so Japan government departments asked mobile phone must have a shutter sound.

This may be one reason, but not complete truth, early Japanese camera phone can be muffled, until a photographer after a group of works and not stressed this function.

The photographer named Lai households are people, had he research has in playing good greeted shooting portrait and mute Xia secretly shooting portrait Shi, characters rendering of State completely different, so he in Tokyo of Metro in with mute shutter shooting has series works, and get has photography awards, but works announced Hou, has was he candid of people was has discontent, so Japan will so canceled has photo of mute mode.

真的因为日本变态多吗?揭秘日本手机拍照无法静音的真相 - 拍照静音 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯2月7日消息 买过日版手机的人都知道,不管是href="" target="_blank">iPhone还是索尼手机,只要在日本发售的型号,拍照都是无法静音的,但这个问题在全世界大部分国家都不存在,为何日本手机拍照必须有快门声呢?坊间一直流传的原因是,日本社会“变态”多,专门偷拍女性裙底等等,所以日本政府职能部门才要求手机拍照必须有快门声。



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