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published in(发表于) 2016/9/14 13:08:54 Edit(编辑)
His own face! Shielded plug-in Adblock,Plus the sale of advertising online advertising,

His own face! Shielded plug-in Adblock,Plus the sale of advertising online advertising,(自己打自己的脸!广告屏蔽插件Adblock,Plus开卖网络广告,)



His own face! Advertising shield plugins Adblock Plus on sale online advertising-advertising, Adblock Plus-IT information

According to foreign media reports, the world's hottest advertising screen plugins Adblock Plus is considering to make money by selling ads. This Germany companies said this week that Israel advertising technology startup ComboTag to cooperate, assist sales targeting ad Adblock Plus users.

Advertising shield plug-ins to help sell advertising, it sounds a bit ironic. Adblock Plus is argued, the company will sell only "acceptable" ads. This kind of advertising will not use popups, animations, or overwrite the contents of a Web page to harass a user. In this process, the Publisher will receive a unique advertising opportunity. Spokesman for the Adblock Plus Ben·weilianmusi (Ben Williams) said the move opened the advertising screen market.

Adblock Plus, said at the company's 100 million users, more than 90% can already see business promotion information. However, the only "acceptable" standards be included in the white list of ads to ads by Adblock Plus filters. (The default setting is to allow Adblock Plus currently can accept ads, but users can also be set to block all ads. ) Advertisers and publishers require a fee to make advertising assessment and was included to the whitelist. In the ensuing months of display advertising after more than 10 million, Adblock Plus the added revenue from a Web site into 30%. Adblock Plus said the only possible site to pay the costs.

Williams said through a partnership with ComboTag, whitelist of Adblock Plus will optimize advertising evaluation process. ComboTag was founded in September 2015, is a "common" services to help publishers sell advertising to advertisers. For ad type and location, ComboTag similar to Adblock Plus has developed "acceptable" standards. But the company's founder and CEO gaiyi·ditunuoweiqi (Guy Tytunovich) said: "we do not know it. Our standard does not want ads annoy users. ”

Titunovic says he is a fan of Adblock Plus, but didn't know until early 2016 acceptable advertising standards of the company. Williams also said, for the kind of advertising can accept, both sides actually express the same idea.

Through this cooperation, Adblock Plus will not be necessary to enact "acceptable" standards of advertising, such as different advertisements on the site location. ComboTag software to automatically configure these rules for registered Web site. Meanwhile, the ComboTag won't have to worry about ads is Adblock Plus blocked. The company will also assist sales were included in the white list by Adblock Plus advertising.

自己打自己的脸!广告屏蔽插件Adblock Plus开卖网络广告 - 广告,Adblock Plus - IT资讯

据外媒报道,全球最热门的广告屏蔽插件Adblock Plus正考虑通过广告销售来赚钱。这家德国公司本周表示,将与以色列广告技术创业公司ComboTag展开合作,协助销售瞄准Adblock Plus用户的广告。

广告屏蔽插件协助销售广告,这听起来有些讽刺。Adblock Plus对此辩解称,该公司只会销售“可接受”的广告。这样的广告不会以弹窗、动画,或覆盖网页内容的方式去骚扰用户。在这一过程中,发行商将获得独特的广告展示机会。Adblock Plus发言人本·威廉姆斯(Ben Williams)表示,此举开启了广告屏蔽市场。

Adblock Plus表示,在该公司的1亿用户中,超过90%已经可以看到商业推广信息。然而,只有符合“可接受”标准,被纳入白名单的广告才能通过Adblock Plus的广告过滤器。(Adblock Plus目前的默认设置是允许可接受的广告,但用户也可以设置为拦截所有广告。)广告主和发行商需要付费,才能让广告接受评估,进而被纳入至白名单。在随之而来的月广告展示量超过1000万之后,Adblock Plus将会从网站的新增营收中分成30%。Adblock Plus表示,只有大网站才可能支付费用。

威廉姆斯表示,通过与ComboTag的合作,Adblock Plus将优化广告白名单的评估流程。ComboTag成立于2015年9月,是一款“共给侧”服务,帮助发行商向广告主销售广告位。对于广告类型和位置,ComboTag制定了与Adblock Plus类似的“可接受”标准。不过该公司创始人及CEO盖伊·蒂图诺维奇(Guy Tytunovich)表示:“我们完全不知道这一点。我们制定的标准是不希望广告干扰用户。”

蒂图诺维奇表示,他是Adblock Plus的粉丝,但直到2016年初才知道该公司的可接受广告标准。威廉姆斯也表示,对于什么样的广告可接受,双方实际上各自表达了同样的观念。

通过这一合作,Adblock Plus将没有必要自行制定“可接受”广告的标准,例如不同网站上广告的位置。ComboTag的软件能为注册网站自动配置这些规则。与此同时,ComboTag将不必担心广告被Adblock Plus拦截。该公司还将协助销售已经被Adblock Plus纳入白名单的广告位。

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