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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/1 20:07:51 Edit(编辑)
Amazon’s new standard: $50 billion auto parts market

Amazon’s new standard: $50 billion auto parts market(亚马逊的新标地:500亿美元的汽车零部件市场,)



Amazon's new standard: $50 billion auto parts market-Amazon-IT news

Do you think of the e-commerce giant Amazon this year "small target" just sit on the United States apparel retail head spot? Chief Executive Jeff Bezos may have pegged the next area to be conquered: the $50 billion market for self-service auto parts sales.

Recently, a source told the New York Post revealed that in recent months, Amazon signed a contract with world's top auto parts maker one by one, including Germany Bosch, United States ' mogul, Dorman Products and Cardone Industries.

During the 12 months ending on September 30 last year Amazon recorded operating income of $128 billion. According to a recent Wall Street analyst widespread personal forecast shows that Amazon auto parts business could grow to more than 50% this year, increased to us $5 billion.

Executives from a major auto parts supplier, told the New York Post, the past few months, Amazon has taken the lead in directing the activities of top management towards multiple agreements with the suppliers.

He even said: "(Bezos), make a few phone calls to come over in person, I wouldn't be surprised. ”

Analysis of the industry, the United States auto parts retailer O'Reilly, Advance, AutoZone and Genuine Parts may be bad news.

The retail business for many years, profits increase, in large part because they firmly hold the vendor. United States motor and equipment manufacturers Association (MEMA), Chief Executive of shidifu·handeshu (Steve Handschuh) is expected to further promote the development of auto parts business, Amazon may even be deeper, some local parts dealers into their camp.

Amazon would like to take the books and electronic products and toys market, scorning the Pack in the auto parts industry? Some Wall Street observers are skeptical, others dare not underestimate the latest trends of Bezos.

Recently, Amazon to open up supply, online shopping not only increase the automotive brand, has sold those stores and the Internet cheaper competitors. For example, a series of 34 of the Optima RedTop batteries, currently at Amazon for only $166, and the nation's largest auto parts retailer AutoZone is priced at $216.

Investment Bank Jefferies of statistics in a report last September, Amazon United States 40 large cities to provide auto parts the same day services, price than O'Reilly, Advance and AutoZone 23% lower prices an average of three retailers.

But on the other hand, chain retailers are SD Union wall Amazon able to more easily overcome distribution monopoly fortresses.

Industry executives said United States auto parts retailer and manufacturer of disagreements are growing, because the former active selling mainly from overseas outsourcing of own-brand accessories. This fat pockets of retailers at the expense of the interests of domestic parts manufacturers.

Executive summary of accessories of a car manufacturer, when retailers promote their brand, and manufacturer for their loyalty was gone.

Amazon CEO Bezos (left) participate in Trump round table. While Bezos publicly during the campaign against Trump, but earlier this month, Amazon announced that it would create 100,000 new jobs in the United States, suspected to be "amnesty". Photo/AFP photo.

Contrast, sharp let in some parts of the Amazon. If sold to Amazon, proceeds from the sale of the manufacturer than by traditional retailers selling higher, much higher 30%.

The pros and cons, Dorman Products, the parts maker first stepped out of the step of the marketing contract with Amazon. At present, apart from the Standard Motor Products, other companies now follow Dorman Products.

"(Dorman Products sign a thing) was the turning point," an automotive industry Executive said, "now we mostly sell directly to Amazon in the industry. ”

Amazon in the New York Post commented on the news, but Amazon has not responded.

Trump expanded manufacturing industries back under regime and local employment, has been the hot spots of the world, if Amazon's foray into the auto parts world, will also have a policy.

亚马逊的新标地:500亿美元的汽车零部件市场 - 亚马逊 - IT资讯


近日,有消息人士向《纽约邮报》透露,最近几个月,亚马逊与全球名列前茅的汽车零部件生产商一一签约,包括德国博世、美国的辉门、Dorman Products和Cardone Industries。




业内人士分析,这对美国汽车配件零售商O’Reilly、Advance、AutoZone和Genuine Parts来说可能是坏消息。

这些连锁零售商多年来生意兴隆,利润有增无减,很大程度上是因为他们牢牢攥着供应商。美国发动机及设备制造协会(MEMA)的首席执行官史蒂夫·汉德舒(Steve Handschuh)预计,为了进一步推动汽车配件业务发展,亚马逊甚至可能深入地方,将一些当地配件经销商拉入自家阵营。


最近,亚马逊开拓货源,网上商城不仅增加了汽车零部件品牌,且网上售价已比那些经营实体店的竞争对手便宜。举个例子,一款Optima牌的34 RedTop系列车用蓄电池,目前在亚马逊网站仅售166美元,而全美最大汽车配件零售商AutoZone则售价216美元。





亚马逊CEO贝佐斯(左一)参加特朗普圆桌会议。虽然之前竞选期间贝佐斯公开反对特朗普,但本月初亚马逊宣布将在美创10万新增就业,疑似被“招安”。图片来源/AFP photo。


权衡利弊之后,Dorman Products,这家零部件大生产商率先踏出了与亚马逊签订供销合同的一步。目前,除Standard Motor Products之外,其他大厂商都步Dorman Products后尘。

“(Dorman Products签约一事)是转折点,”一位汽车零部件行业的高管称,“现在我们业内大多直接卖给亚马逊。”



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