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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/23 9:35:15 Edit(编辑)
Guangxi College of finance and Dean of the law school repeat rate 90% paper,

Guangxi College of finance and Dean of the law school repeat rate 90% paper,(广西省财经学院法学院院长论文重复率90%,)



Guangxi College of finance and Dean of the law school repeat rate 90% papers-plagiarism-IT information

According to voice of the news reports of the evening rush hour, checking the paper is now every student prior to the commencement of the necessary steps, based on the different standards in schools, the repetition rate of the paper in the range 10%-25%, can be considered as plagiarism, unable to participate in commencement.

Guangxi College of finance and law school was recently reflected in the voices of teachers in China, Lei Yuchun, President of nine papers and a monograph, detected by the knowledge network, repeat rates in 30%, some even as high as 94%, and finds that all of the academic Committee of the school paper "does not involve plagiarism." Paper 90% content is duplicate of another article, why not involve plagiarism?

Guangxi College of finance and currently has more than 23,000 students and teachers, 1070, including 77 people are senior teachers. Guangxi College of finance and Dean of the law school have just as high titles Lei Yuchun, was school teacher reported, saying he just as high of titles of papers are all copied to. Law school teacher Lei Yuchun Lee's study on compensation for the loss of the invalid contract and nine paper published in 2004-2008 by China's largest paper database knowledge network for testing, found that each repetition rate at 30%. Teacher Li says, "seized nine articles, high repetition rate 94.8%, 94.2%, 87%, and such a high repeat rate can be said that almost the entire article is copied, test papers published before the repetition rate he has nothing to do with the others after the publication reference. ”

The knowledge network data provided by Li, the reporter found by total network publication of academic journals of China, China doctorate or master's degree thesis databases, academic library in Hong Kong, Macao and 11 database comparison, nine papers of Lei Yuchun, removing references than the lowest was 29.6%, up to 94.8%. Nine papers in varying degrees by knowledge network system judged to be "stolen words," "plagiarism".

Guangxi College of finance and Deputy Secretary of the Commission for discipline inspection Zhang Wenan told reporters after receiving the teachers reflected, have entrusted the schools academic Committee investigating early 2016 five legal experts to judge the academic Committee, for the first time, found Lei Yuchun is plagiarism. In Lei Yuchun refuses to, proposed two times identification Hou, academic Committee and please to three bit experts made two times identification, this once they removed papers in the and previously public published articles repeat of part and some legal provisions, and terms, obtained part articles only 30% repeat, in experts submitted results Hou, academic Committee finds, Lei Yuchun not exists plagiarism situation, "behind check heavy, front four article articles, a article repeat rate 30.8%, addition a article probably 31.18%. Last post by 19%, does not constitute plagiarism. Repetition rate for judgment, no conclusion whether it constitutes plagiarism, to refer this to the academic Committee, academic Committee of the school discussed the secret vote, that does not constitute plagiarism. ”

For the outcome, Mr Li did not agree, he thought the Guangxi College of finance and its undergraduates are required to repeat no more than 25%, or cannot attend a reply, why is Dean of the law school, disregarding the content, repetition rate is still 30%, but not a copy?

Hownet finds 94% duplication of content with other papers, the Group of experts and the academic Committee is how to not involve plagiarism? Experts is how to set the repeat rate 94% article into 30% repetitions? Removing parts of what? Guangxi College of finance and Office said Deng Wenyong, Director of the academic Committee, the State does not enforce standards identified for plagiarism, as for the other, he can't explain, because he "is just a word". "After deduction of experts finished behind nine articles and one book, academic committee vote, deciding whether or not plagiarism. Domestic standard does not say how many copies than plagiarism. ”

广西省财经学院法学院院长论文重复率90% - 论文抄袭 - IT资讯








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