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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/21 10:34:00 Edit(编辑)
Trump’s arrival, United States technology companies have any effect? ,

Trump’s arrival, United States technology companies have any effect? ,(特朗普走马上任,对美国科技公司有什么影响?,)



Trump's arrival, United States technology companies have any effect? -Apple, Trump-IT information

Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th United States President, investor's business daily pointed out that analysts are an issue to consider is that Trump tenure, United States businesses between China and affect trade negotiations, especially Apple, Starbucks, GM and Nike and other companies.

Trump has published "imports, China will levy anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties". United States the main concern of analysts is how China will respond to, and prevent further Trump's further action.

Apple last fiscal year's revenues amounted to $46.4 billion, revenue from China 22%and income of other technology companies, occupy a higher proportion of the Chinese market, such as Qualcomm's revenue in China by a whopping 57%, raspberry component maker Broadcom accounted for an income of 55%.

Worth noting is that while lower percentage of income than Qualcomm, for the iPhone maker, however, they also need to consider the iPhone production and Assembly costs.

Trump recently gave an interview to foreign media Axios, he reiterated in an interview to the iPhone into "the United States made" look. Although there are costs as well as supply chain issues limit the iPhone production line relocations, but Trump thought Apple CEO Tim Cook will get it all done.

特朗普走马上任,对美国科技公司有什么影响? - 苹果,特朗普 - IT资讯






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