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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/20 2:32:00 Edit(编辑)
Cyber crooks call IT expert: brutal tease,

Cyber crooks call IT expert: brutal tease,(网络骗子打电话给IT专家:惨遭戏弄,)



Cyber crooks call IT expert: brutal tease-Telecom fraud, telephone scams-IT information

These days, Internet fraud is pervasive, people caught off guard. But there are two cyber crooks "luck" is not very good because they drove the fraudulent telephone calls to the United Kingdom's top cyber-security experts. According to the United Kingdom, the daily mail reported on January 18, IT expert Matt? Holland (Matt Horan) received a fraud call pretending to be a computer novice, deal with a liar for 35 minutes. Last cheater realized he was mocked and hung up the phone after swearing.

Holland allow colleagues to help record his dialogue with the cheater. He pretends to be a computer white, told crooks themselves without a network connection, only to see a dinosaur image on the screen. Then, calling women to forward calls to their male supervisor, supervisor realised to be made fun of, called after an expletive and hung up the phone. The swindlers should be working in a call center in Asia, these call centers annually harassing millions of Britons. Such a fraud could help crooks scam and extensive access to victims ' personal information. Holland has released this video in the hope that people can avoid the scams fall into the same trap in the future.

Holland's company to assist United Kingdom Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) network security. He said, enterprise network security, the weakest link is the staff, they do not do bad things, but could easily fall into the trap cheats.

And fishing software, such a telephone fraud will cause great loss. Callers claiming to be his (her) from the likes of Microsoft or other similar businesses, and tell people who answer the phone on the computer there is a problem. Then instructed them to view a computer's "system log and event log", tell them that this is evidence of malicious attacks. Zhihou, swindler would have landed the remote control software, remote access and control of the target computer. In this way, they will have all the information in the computer, can spy on mail, steal passwords, encrypted data, and so on, basically the victim's computer can be whatever they want.

Holland said: "obviously, such fraud can cause heavy losses to businesses and result in data loss, theft of money, loss of intelligence, so that enterprises face loss. Therefore, the training of our employees, so that they understand the network knowledge, immediately upon receipt of such a scam phone hanging up, any questions can contact the company's IT Department. Can't play similar to a company like Microsoft, I just got a phone call, but sounds like the same thing. Cheat will usually 22 partnerships so that calls people to forward calls to another "Senior Director" to enhance credibility. So if you get the phone, be sure to be careful. ”

Video : click here to watch

网络骗子打电话给IT专家:惨遭戏弄 - 电信诈骗,电话诈骗 - IT资讯

现如今,网络骗子可谓无孔不入,让人防不胜防。可是有两个网络骗子的“运气”却不怎么好,因为他们居然把诈骗电话打到了英国顶尖的网络安全专家那里。据英国《每日邮报》1月18日报道,IT专家马特?霍兰(Matt Horan)在接到诈骗电话后假装自己是个电脑新手,与骗子周旋了35分钟。最后骗子意识到自己被戏弄,破口大骂后挂了电话。






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