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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/16 9:40:27 Edit(编辑)
Foreign media exposure of Chinese travel to buy train tickets network speed: 1000 frames per second,

Foreign media exposure of Chinese travel to buy train tickets network speed: 1000 frames per second,(外媒曝光中国春运火车票网购速度:每秒1000张,)



Foreign media exposure of Chinese travel to buy train tickets network speed: 1000 FPS-travel, train-IT information

US media said almost all types of first-hand data have told us that Chinese new year is the biggest human activity on Earth.

United States cable news network, January 13, seven-day Spring Festival holiday, China is expected to consume more than 100 billion dollars in food and shopping (nearly United States consumption of Thanksgiving twice) and at a speed of over 1000 per second purchase train tickets via the Internet .

But it is during the spring when millions of people rushing home for the new year, China's response to large scale traffic excellent organizational skills to a real highlight.

The sector is expected, from January 13 to February 21 for 40 days, road passenger volume in China will amount to 2.52 billion passengers, railway passenger volume 356 million passengers, passenger 58.3 million passengers, passenger 43.5 million passengers.

During the spring of last year, Chinese tourists travel an average distance of about 410 km, seemingly not too far, but the total mileage of the Spring Festival is to reach 1.2 billion kilometers: approximately 8 times times the Earth-Sun distance, have a holiday almost as much as you fly to Saturn.

And the spring scale is expanding – China said growth in passenger volume this year will reach 2.2%.

In recent ten years in China almost every year during the Spring Festival traffic data to a record.

High-speed rail network took enormous pressure, high mileage of China Railway Corporation, China has more than 20,000 kilometers, ranking first in the world.

China's total railway mileage of more than 120,000 km, ranking second in the world, after the United States.

China's Road and railway ticket Hall will be able to shorten the long lines of ticket at an alarming rate, but the spring is not simply a logistical miracle also shows changes in contemporary China.

All NAP students on the train, which tell us that education reforms over the past decade greatly expanded the College's enrollment.

You'll see trendy white-collar girl trample high heels, gingerly walked the way home in the fields. This tells us that China has a large rural population pouring into the coastal city, in the services industry and factory to find higher paid jobs.

Many of China's new middle class people will choose to drive their cars on vacation, freeway congestion has become a holiday scene.

But there are a lot of people going to totally removed from the Spring Festival holidays overseas for a holiday. This new year has been welcomed by the new rich in China.

According to local media estimates in 2016, nearly 6 million people abroad for the new year, leaving free online consumption per capita reached RMB 6800 than 2015 from 30%.

外媒曝光中国春运火车票网购速度:每秒1000张 - 春运,火车票 - IT资讯
















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